I think it is important for everyone to have strong convictions about what they believe in, and, in turn, be able to back those opinions up with either some good hard facts or editorial pieces. The whole reason YDKS is even here is because of the way Wesley and I felt about cinema and the people who ruin it. So in an effort to make you smarter and just to ramble off some of my important and well sought after opinions, I have decided to start a column where I endorse things important to me. This will include DVD's I think you should buy, videos or movies I think you should watch, and other important things I think you should be aware of.
Global Warming or How I Learned to Stop Watching Documentaries and Love to Read
Today I will be talking about Winter's arch nemesis, Global Warming. Now I have never been an advocate of Global Warming. I did some research as to why I felt it never existed, and was reassured and annoyingly conceited when I found out that my beliefs had actual scientific merit.
Al Gore's fear inducing documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, has taken the world by storm since its release in 2006. And while this isn't the first time the world has heard about Global Warming and its supposedly inevitable effects, Al Gore was the guy who won the Nobel Peace Prize for duping the world into believing something that hasn't even been proven. The Academy even jumped on board leading to the most pretentious and politically influenced Oscars Ceremony in recent memory.
Well it turns out that only a short 2 years later, during a span of which two Global Warming Summits were snowed out in Washington D.C. (God has the greatest sense of humor), 2008 has become a record breaking year for snow, cold temps, and other winter related things.
Do yourself a favor and read 2008 was the Year Man-Made Global Warming Was Disproved written by Christopher Booker of the Telegraph.
It is a Good Thing The Monster Squad is Undeservedly Priced
Amazon has the most amazing DVD deals. And if you are a collector and don't visit Amazon's Gold Box on a daily basis, not only are you an idiot, but you are not doing yourself any favors.
It is no secret that we love The Monster Squad here on YDKS. Me and Wesley are probably its biggest fans, and while I can't quite speak for Austin at the moment as to whether he is down with the Squad, I am pretty sure it is in our bylaws that you can't write for YDKS without loving the film.
Anyway, I reserved my copy of The Monster Squad DVD approximately 6 months (if that was possible) through Amazon when it was first released. I am positive I paid around 20 bucks for it. But, that is not the reason I am upset at its now low-low price of $4.99. I am angry that this beautiful movie, and its well thought out and long-awaited DVD are now being reduced to the $5 bin at your local Wal-Mart. What a shame.
Do yourself a favor and buy The Monster Squad for $4.99 on Amazon.
I Can Count the Number of True Friends on one Hand, but I have to Use My Toes to Include My Internet Friends!
If you are a frequent reader, you may have noticed that YDKS is part of The LAMB (The Large Association of Movie Blogs). And, through this association, we here at YDKS have made many friends in the online community. But my favorite of which has to be T.S. of Screen Savour.
T.S. is not only a great writer, but he has great taste in movies. His reviews and analysis of classic cinema are poignant and are must reads for anyone looking to grow deeper in knowledge of such great figures as Charlie Chaplain, Alfred Hitchcock, Charles Shultz, and even Bob Dylan.
Do yourself a favor and visit Screen Savour, read everything offered, and mind your manners by leaving some comments.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Do Yourself A Favor: Global Warming, Monsters, and Friends
9 (The Movie)
Ah well here we go, my first real post:
A few days ago the trailer was released for 9. I had never heard of it before but the trailer quite interested me so I looked a bit more into it. The movie is being produced by Tim Burton and is based off an award winning animated short film by the same name.
Basically 9 is an animated movie that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, and the main characters are a bunch of rag-doll creatures built by humans. The numbered rag-dolls, with the movie mainly following #9, are trying to survive and I guess save the world. Of course, they also got some evil mechanical creatures along the way that try to stop them. You always got to have those around.
Basically, not all too much about the actual plot is shown yet besides the basic fact that there’s a lot of action involved. But the pure visuals alone are why I’m so interested in it. There's a very unique style about the movie and it looks great. It has a very grim and dirty style that you usually don't see in computer animated movies. It's a very nice turn from the norm and I hope it lives up to its expectations.
Here's the original short film as well, just so you can see where this film is coming from:
Source: Kotaku
Blockbuster Endorses Human Stupidity
I have a degree in business. To which you deservedly ask, "But Jason, in today's new world order where the United States is no longer the major world power, and cannot even keep their hegemony in their own sphere of influence anymore due to the boldness of defiant, unchecked dictatorships and the current economic downturn spewing forth numbers not seen since the depression, why on earth would you major in business?" To which I reply, "Because it allows me to awesomely analyze the current state of Blockbuster."
There is a little known myth in business that has been wrongly believed by higher-ups and strongly adopted by customers since retail sprung forth from the primordial soup of the manufacturing age: "The customer is always right." This is not true for an abundance of reasons. Customers are in fact stupid, and they have a nasty habit of making their demands unreasonable. They are also very quick to both speech and anger. The reality is that the customer needs to be told what to buy, and they don't need to have any type of decision in the matter. Henry Ford, the Father of Mass Production, in reference to the Model T was famously quoted as saying, "Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black."
So where does this put Blockbuster, and their numerous contributions to fueling myths and, subsequently, consumer stupidity? At the forefront of course!
First, Blockbuster loves cheap labor. They want to get by with paying some high school or college kid hopped-up on celebrity sized cans of filth minimum wage. There are now countless, mindless drones behind the counter recommending Spider-Man 3, Transformers, and Heaven forbid, Indiana Jones and the Curse of George Lucas Saga Additions to the masses.
Second, many of the Blockbuster franchises are coddling their customers. With the new "You Asked For It, We Got It" feature in many stores, customers can now share all their bad tastes with others on a designated wall designed just for them. In many Blockbusters, these walls double in size every time I see them!
And Lastly, Blockbuster promotes from within. Now, while this is not necessarily a bad thing in the business world, it is an awful strategy for a business whose model is already very flawed. College kids grow up, gain access to more useless celeb knowledge, watch even more crappy straight-to-dvd releases and then become assistant mangers and managers of Blockbuster stores around the country.
The bottom line is this: Blockbuster stores are full of people, both behind the counter and not, who know nothing about movies. All those people then talk about their lack of knowledge to others, and we now have millions of people, who shouldn't even be allowed to reproduce, talking about the great art of film making. Sure, you can make the argument that it is ultimately Hollywood's fault for their recent stream of unending diarrhea they produce (20th Century Fox), but the war has to start somewhere. And the first battles need to start at the front lines inside our local video rental stores.
*A New Writer Has Appeared*
Hello to the readers of YDKS. You guys may very well know me as the official artist of YDKS and one of the YDKS Revolution leaders (power to the people!). Well, yes, indeed you knew all that info already or you should have if you consider yourself a YDKS fan. So right now you are asking “so what?” and “what’s with the post?”. Well, all shall be revealed very soon, so silent your uproar my brethren and listen.
I have heard and answered Wesley’s call to arms for dedicated writers. So you see before yourself the newest writer of the site. In the past, YDKS has had writers or guest writers show up then quickly die away but I will not be one of those. I hope instead to break the “two post” curse (see previous writer Caleb and guest writer Zack for further details) and live on throughout YDKS history as it rises up to fame and reforms the movie society in the way it needs to be. I plan to update as much as I can to keep the site living on and hopefully all you guys will enjoy my posts.
Now a bit of info about myself for you guys who don’t know me or don’t know much about me. I’m indeed a fan of good movies. I’m not nearly as crazy in-depth into movies as Wesley but I’m still very involved. And movies are not all that I’m into. I control the domains of Sci-fi Channel originals, the Discovery Channel and History Channel, comic books, and zombie survival (are you prepared?). As well as all of those things, I’m heavily into video games. I was born and raised on gaming to the point that it naturally influences all things in my life so you can expect some game-related movie posts in the future. I’m also heavily into the Japanese culture and love all their crazy movies…as well as anime. Yes that’s right, I like anime, good anime mind you. There is indeed a difference. I’ll keep from putting too much animated movie-related stuff up here though since I know some people (Wesley) despise it. Despite all that stuff, I’m into anything relatively crazy or odd enough to strike my fancy. Also, I hold unrivaled hatred for certain people, groups, etc, and I will go off on rants at times when such things come up, so I hope that comes off as funny or entertaining or whatever to all you readers. I am here to please my movie brethren after all.
Well now that you all know a good bit about me, probably too much as it is now, I guess I can continue on with being a writer and fulfill my duties of being such. Also, I have invented my own system of rating that I’ll reveal to you guys later. Whether or not I actually explain my system of rating to you guys is still up in the air but, then again, it’s so much more enjoyable when you figure something out for yourself.
Well now that I’ve filled up enough room on your browser, I’ll be off to writing some actual movie related stuff, cause you guys need to be informed for You Don’t Know Sh*t about movies.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Watchmen Might Actually Be Delayed
I post a lot about Watchmen. I'm sorry about that. It is a movie based on my favorite piece of literature so I guess I cannot help it. So if there is any news about Watchmen, you can pretty much guarantee I'm gonna post about it.
I've read a lot of different sites covering this mess and everyone seems to have a different opinion on what's happening or what is going to happen. Some seem to think that both sides are just talking tough right now to force the other side to settle. If this was the case, a settlement could possibly be reached and Watchmen could still come out on March 6, 2009. However, many others really think that this is going to drag out into a trial and that the release date will actually have to be changed (something that is going to cost both sides more money).
Monday, December 29, 2008
Speech of the Week #23
Hey guys, welcome to a column here on YDKS Movies entitled Speech of the Week! For now on, every Monday I will post a new scene from a movie that features a speech of some sort being given. After all, there are a lot of famous scenes in film where characters give an influential speech of some sort. Then again, there are also a lot of scenes where characters give a speech and it just comes off cheesy and lame. In this section, you will see both kinds. That's right, people, I'm giving you the good and bad of film speeches all wrapped up in one great big package. I hope you all enjoy.
This Pretty Much Sums Up The Spirit
It's been a few days since I've seen The Spirit and I still have an awful aftertaste in mouth. It's very rare that I see a movie so bad that it haunts me for days afterwards but The Spirit has managed to do that. So, I guess I have to give Frank Miller credit for that. His movie was so awful that I just can't get it and its insanity out of my brain.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I Really Like Twin Peaks
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A Review of The Spirit
Friday, December 26, 2008
Updates on the Site and Random Thoughts
I've had quite the day today. I woke up this morning at 7 am and threw up snot from my chest. Yes, that is disgusting but let me tell you this: I'm not exaggerating. I literally threw up a lot of snot and fluid for about five minutes. I did not know it was possible for the human body to store up so much nastiness. Well, it can. It was quite the wake up call.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Fox Gets the Rights to Watchmen
You remember that lawsuit between Fox and Warner Bros. over the rights to Watchmen that could possibly delay the release of the film? Well...
In a surprise ruling, a federal judge in Los Angeles said he intended to grant 20th Century Fox’s claim that it owns a copyright interest in the “Watchmen,” a movie shot by Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures and set for release in March.
The decision was disclosed in a five-page written order issued on Wednesday. Gary A. Feess, a judge in the United States District Court for Central California, said he would provide a more detailed order soon.
At an earlier hearing, the judge said he believed that issues in the case could be settled only at a trial, which was scheduled for late January. On Wednesday, however, Judge Feess said he had reconsidered and concluded that Fox should prevail on crucial issues.
“Fox owns a copyright interest consisting of, at the very least, the right to distribute the ‘Watchmen’ motion picture,” the ruling said.
In ruling on Wednesday, Judge Feess advised both Fox and Warner to look toward a settlement or an appeal.
“The parties may wish to turn their efforts from preparing for trial to negotiating a resolution of this dispute or positioning the case for review,” he said.
So what does this mean? Well...
If no agreement is reached in two weeks time, the film could be delayed from it's March 6th release date to a possible summer date.
If Warner Bros. tries to go for an appeal, the film could be held up in legal battles for years and could possibly be denied a release until 2011.
Fox could simply not release the film.
Merry Christmas from YDKS Movies
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I Have No Interest in Valkyrie
Honestly, I didn't think I would say that I had no interest in this movie. When I first read the plot synopsis, I was quite intrigued. I am a fan of all of director Bryan Singer's movies up until this point and I was looking forward to seeing what he could do with this material. I wasn't crazy about the casting of Tom Cruise (was anyone?) but I thought I could let it slide. However, as we get closer and closer to the movie coming out in just two days, I really gotta say- I'd rather see the terribly-reviewed train wreck that is The Spirit.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wesley's Christmas Wish-List
With Christmas right around the corner, I thought it might be nice to share some of the things that I've asked for or that I wouldn't mind getting. Since most of these desired gifts are movies, I figured this was YDKS Movies related. Just think of this as a list of things that an obsessive movie nerd like myself desires. Enjoy.
Impressive Fan-Made Thundercats Trailer
I've seen this posted on a few different movie websites today so I figured it'd be good enough to post here. I'm honestly not even a fan of Thundercats (I just didn't grow up watching it) but even I found this fan-made trailer for a Thundercats movie very impressive. It was made by WormyTV (a San Francisco-based graphic artist) over the span of a year and a half using Adobe Premiere. The trailer was made using clips from other films, adding in multiple effects frame-by-frame in photoshop. It features stars such as Brad Pitt (via footage taken from Troy), Vin Diesel and Hugh Jackman.
Speech of the Week #22
Sunday, December 21, 2008
M.A.N.T.I.S. Finally Coming to DVD
Dr. Miles Hawkins was a wealthy, mild-mannered doctor who was shot in the spine by a criminal. Paralyzed from the waist down, he uses his company's resources to invent a powered exoskeleton that not only enables him to walk but gives him superhuman abilities. He utilizes a vast array of technology, including a large underwater lab and a hovercraft called the Crysalid to fly around the city. With his newfound power, he vows to fight crime and assumes the hidden identity of the vigilante "M.A.N.T.I.S." (Mechanically Automated NeuroTransmitter Interactive System).
At the time, the show was unique not only for having a black superhero but confronting racism head on (he was crippled by a racist cop who used illegal ammunition during the post-Rodney King verdict LA riots). Unfortunately, the show only lasted for one season and had drastic changes done to it in its last half due to poor ratings. Honestly, I don't even really know if this show is any good because it's been so long since I've seen an episode but I cannot wait to re-watch it all come January 29 when it is released on DVD. I can remember watching this thing every week it would come on as a kid. I'm going to buy it for pure nostalgic value. Did anyone else watch this show? I cannot find anyone who is familiar with it other than my brother and me. Please leave a comment if you remember it.
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Spirit is Going to Suck
Earlier this summer, I posted an article about news coming from the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con and one of the biggest stories was how awful the panel for Frank Miller's The Spirit was. The footage shown looked really bad and the tone was all over the place. Mostly, it was supposed to be unintentionally and painfully funny. Still, deep down, I hoped that all of this was just a fluke and that Miller still had a decent movie waiting for us come this Christmas. After all, the teaser trailer for the movie was pretty awesome.
AICN says: “I’ve seen something that has taken the top prize from “Battlefield Earth.” … “Okay, Mr. Miller. Let’s get it on.” … “Seriously, it’s not. You clearly don’t have any idea what you’re doing. Someone, ANYONE, over at Lionsgate should have known this. F*ck, it’s their JOB to know this. But they didn’t.” … “Folks, this movie is that bad. I heartily recommend it if you have a strong stomach and an even stronger sense of Bad-Movie-Love. Otherwise, steer clear.”
Variety says: “Frank Miller’s solo writing-directing debut plunges into a watery grave early on and spends roughly the next 100 minutes gasping for air. Pushing well past the point of self-parody” … “There’s a lot going on here, but none of it sticks — not the shopworn plotting nor the arch, stilted dialogue. The actors often seem to be delivering their lines in ironic quote marks, suggesting a straight-faced sendup of noir and comicbook conventions that, whatever the intended effect, falls mostly flat.”
The Hollywood Reporter says: “Truly a mess. Fans of Sin City and 300 will populate theaters for the film’s opening, but box office will fall quickly. The film’s campiness might then pull in a different sort of aficionados — those who celebrate films such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show for their silly acting and overripe dialogue.”
Unique Geek says: “The Spirit starts off crazy when we expect serious, then tries to pull it back in, then goes for weird juvenile sight gags then tries to be tough, and we’re disoriented. Theres also a pathlogical fascination with a prop photocopy of Mendes’ rump. If you took a shot every time the camera cuts to it, you would be wasted by the third act, and maybe “wasted” is the right word to end with here. There’s a lot of work and opportunity that went by the wayside here, a lot of talented people and some great source material that never quite gels. The parts that look good, look good, but maybe next time, they’ll hire a fox to put it all together.”
So yeah, this movie is supposed to be God awful. This is a shame, it really is. Deep down, I really wanted it all to work out for Miller. However, I cannot say this is a total surprise. Everything that Miller has been working on as of late has definitely been lacking in his usual quality. I think 9/11 really messed the guy up. He was in New York working on Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again (the long awaited sequel to his groundbreaking Batman: The Dark Knight Returns) when the attacks occurred. The incident made him drastically change the last half of this series into an incredibly angry and pessimistic revenge fantasy. I have not read this book but I've heard its pretty terrible, mostly due to the drastic change at the end in which heroes basically start to kill people.