In other news, I could care less.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sony Making a Venom Spin-off
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Robocop Rated R?
The new non-sequel remake/rebuilding/reimagining of Paul Verhoeven's 1987 classic, Robocop may be closer to the original than originally thought.
In an exclusive interview with MTV News, producer Mike Medavoy discussed the rating of Darren Aronofsky's 2010 slated (hope to be classic) revamp of the series:
Well I was involved with the original ‘Robocop,’ and it was an R, and the likelihood is that this will be an R. It’s likely to be an R unless the director cuts back on some of it.”
Aronofsky? Cut Back? Thankfully that won't happen!
Medavoy, also debunked the rumors of Robocop using the 3-D gimmick saying, "I don’t think that’s even come up."
Source: MTV via Joblo
Ok, Tony Jaa is Back...
So yesterday, right after, and I mean right after, I had finished posting that Tony Jaa had disappeared into the depths of the jungle because of directorial stress, I wandered over to IGN for my everything-nerd fix for the day, and found this:
Last night, Tony Jaa appeared on a TV talk show to explain why he disappeared from the Ong-Bak 2 set back in June. Apparently Jaa even broke down when talking about missing money he was suppose to receive on his producer's good promises. Jaa went onto explain that he had not abandoned the picture, and was just "focusing on the artistic angle of the film."
Jaa is currently in talks with the producers to patch things up, and get the ball rolling so the movie can still make its scheduled release in Thailand on December 5.
Rian Johnson's The Brothers Bloom Trailer
First of all, if you don't know who Rian Johnson is, then shame on you. Because then you have either A, never watched Brick, or B, never taken the time to check out the people that are responsible for the movie your watching. Either way you are the lametard for the day.
Brick was released in 2006 as Rian Johnson's directorial debut. It is a smart, edgy detective story revolving around drugs and high school kids. And although the word "noir" was never used on set during the filming, it is precisely that. Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars, as his character goes on a mind bending trip into an unknown world that is responsible for the death of the girl he loves. Brick's wit, characterization, and darkness in tune with Johnson's rich visual style, have brought a freshness to the cliched "high school" movie scene.
Needless to say, I was excited about Johnson's sophomore effort, The Brothers Bloom. That is, until I saw the trailer.
The Brothers Bloom follows the Bloom Brothers, the best con men in the world, Mark Ruffalo and Adrien Brody, as they set out to perform one last heist. Their target is the eccentric Rachel Weisz who is the heiress to a massive fortune. Apparently comedy (and probably disappointment if you're me) ensues.
Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of Adrien Brody, Rachel Weisz, and even Mark Ruffalo. But the trailer has just totally diluted any interest I had. The slapstick is head-in-hands stupid, and the premise of yet another heist film does not satisfy my excessive imagination. Check out the trailer below.
The buzz after this trailer's debut has been fairly positive, and frankly I don't understand it. Am I missing something? Even so, I will most likely still see this one. It is set for release on October 24, 2008.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Raimi Teases Evil Dead 4 Again
Over the past few years, Sam Raimi has always stated that he's interested in making an Evil Dead 4 but it never even comes close to actually happening. Well, at the Comic-Con this past weekend, Raimi was present to promote his new horror film Drag Me To Hell (which I had hopes for at first but everything I've heard about it seems to be pointing to it being a complete piece of a crap... after all, he did cast Justin Long) and he dropped the little tidbit below:
I’d love to make another Evil Dead picture. And actually that’s in the wheelhouse. I’d like to work on it with my brother Ivan [Raimi] when he comes up next week.”

This movie will never get made. Mark my words. I don't care how many times Raimi says that he's interested in making it or that he loves working with Bruce Campbell- he will never make this movie. Honestly, I don't even think that we need another Evil Dead movie but I certainly wouldn't turn one down... that is, if Raimi is back on his A-game. Let's face it, he's been sucking pretty hard since Spider-man 3 came out. Like I stated above, Drag Me to Hell doesn't look to be much better (did I mention Ellen Page dropped out of the production because she was unhappy with the final draft of the script?). I would probably see an Evil Dead remake happening before this does... in fact, not too long ago, it was supposed to happen.
So who knows. I guess it'd be nice to have this actually come together. But, personally, I'm just too tired by this point of having my favorite movie franchises completely ruined by lame sequels (Indiana Jones, Spider-man, X-Men). So, if this film does happen, I hope that that is not the case. Even if it is, I'm sure it will be great to see Bruce Campbell back in action, spouting ridiculous one-liners and welding his chainsaw arm around.
Source: Filmdrunk
Where is Tony Jaa?
Last month I posted the promo reel for Tony Jaa's first directorial effort, Ong-Bak 2. When the promo reel was first shown at Cannes, the buzz was heavy as Jaa (who does all of his own stunts) made climbing and running across a herd of elephants look easy. Now it seems that Tony Jaa has simply gone missing.
Over at JoBlo, they are reporting that Tony Jaa has left in the middle of production. Apparently, Jaa was having trouble with the budget and schedule of the movie and has since "gone to meditate in the jungle." Prachya Pinkaew, who directed Jaa in Ong-Bak: Thai Warrior and The Protector has since taken up the reigns and has offered his services to edit the existing footage, and direct more scenes if need be.
The film was supposed to be released in Thailand in December.
I am extremely disappointed, and hope that Tony Jaa uses his Wolf Trumping Rope Dart to find his way back!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Speech of the Week #1
Hey guys, welcome to a new column here on YDKS Movies entitled Speech of the Week! For now on, every Monday I will post a new scene from a movie that features a speech of some sort being given. After all, there are a lot of famous scenes in film where characters give an influential speech of some sort. Then again, there are also a lot of scenes where characters give a speech and it just comes off cheesy and lame. In this section, you will see both kinds. That's right, people, I'm giving you the good and bad of film speeches all wrapped up in one great big package. I hope you all enjoy.
And here's a full transcript of the speech for good measure:
“Good morning. Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world, and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. Mankind, that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences any more. We will be united in our common interest. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the 4th of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution, but from annihilation. We’re fighting for our right to live, to exist…and should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice, ‘We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on, we’re going to survive.’ Today we celebrate our independence day!”
Buy The Spaced DVD Immediately
I've been wanted to watch Spaced for quite a while now. Last year, I finally got to watch two episodes of it on TV Links but, for some reason, I never watched any more. Well, in case you missed it, the entire series was released on a great 3-Disc DVD set last week for about $39.99.
Wolverine Comic-Con Trailer Leaked
We're having a lot of leaked trailers hit the web lately. Last night, it was the teaser for Oliver Stone's W. and today it's the Comic-Con trailer for next May's Wolverine. The trailer is in two parts and is filmed from the crowd but, unlike the leaked Tron 2 trailer, it is in pretty good viewing quality. Plus, it's just really fun to listen to the awesome crow reaction- it's intense. It's not as cheesy as I originally heard it was but there are some moments that look kind of lame (for example, what's up with the black cowboy?). However, for the most part, it looks like a lot of fun. Mostly, I just wanna see Gambit throw his purple glowing cards at people. Check it out below. Do it quick though, Marvel will probably have it taken down soon.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Oliver Stone's W. Trailer Leaked- Watch it Quick
Oliver Stone has never been the one for subtlety. In fact, the guy directs with the lightness of a sledgehammer. Still, despite his in-your-face attitude and his controversial use of taking a creative license with history, I can't help but always enjoy the man's films. He just know how to put images together and almost always makes incredibly fascinating and entertaining films about the history of the United States. Sure, I know that he likes to blend the facts and that most of what I am watching probably isn't true... but I don't care. I just enjoy watching it. I just see it as another form of entertainment is all.
The Dark Knight Does it Again!
According to the weekend estimates over at Box Office Mojo, The Dark Knight has swooped in and sky-hooked a massive 2nd weekend total of $75.6 million. That puts The Dark Knight's total domestic gross at $314 million in 10 days, making it the fastest to reach the $300 million mark and taking the title away from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest which did it in 16 days. The Dark Knight now also holds the record for highest grossing 2nd weekend ousting Shrek 2's record of $72.17 million!
As The Dark Knight eyes the fastest to $400 million, I can't help but hope that it will go all the way and take the All-Time Gross record away from Titanic. Wesley mentioned in an earlier post, that what makes The Dark Knight's accomplishments so amazing and special, is that we actually now have a deserving movie holding all of the records. What better way is there to end the run than by taking away the title from the least deserving movie of them all? Titanic's domestic gross sits at a little over $600 million, while its total worldwide gross is complete at an untouchable $1.8 billion.
We can only hope for the best as The Dark Knight's worldwide gross currently rests at $440 million with still plenty of room to grow.
Wesley's Lost Boys: The Tribe Review
You see that poster above? Does anything about it spell out "good movie" to you? Yeah, me neither.

YDKS Movies on Heroes and Dreams
Teaser Trailer For Pixar's "Up"
Here is Wikipedia's plot synopsis for Up:
Carl Fredricksen has spent his entire life dreaming of exploring the globe and experiencing life to its fullest. But one day, Carl finds himself to be 78 years old and his life has seemingly passed him by, until he befriends a chubby 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell. The two opposites match up for thrilling adventures as they encounter wild terrain, unexpected villains, and all the terrifying creatures that wait in the jungle.
I don't know about you, but that sounds like a good movie to me. Up is slated for a May 29, 2009 release. Below is the teaser available only on YouTube for now.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wesley's Doomsday Review
I was going through our new release Fed-ex box at Movie Gallery earlier this week when I discovered British horror director Neil Marshall's new film Doomsday sitting in it. I remember being slightly intrigued about seeing Doomsday when it originally came out mostly due to the fact that Marshall directed it and I loved his last effort, The Descent. However, the previews for the film looked pretty silly and the reviews weren't much better. Because of this, I decided to not see the film.

Terminator Salvation Rated R?
The guys over at Geeks Of Doom got to visit the Terminator Salvation panel today at Comic Con where McG unveiled a nice surprise for everyone.
According to McG, Warner Brothers has granted him blessing to make an R-rated movie. GD writes further:
This means that if when McG completes the movie [and] it ends up being an R-rated film, he has the go-ahead to release it that way without pressure to cut it down for a PG-13 rating. We just saw some footage from film and it looks amazing!
Things are looking up. Considering the teaser was gay, the fact that awesome footage is being show is a major plus. And if we get an R-rated T4, I may actually get a little excited about having to watch this.
Source: Geeks Of Doom
TR2N Teaser Online...Sort of!
The teaser is online, but in bootleg form on YouTube. From what can be seen through the sneaky gentleman's tilted camera, TR2N looks pretty awesome. It is also worth the watch for the audience reactions. The "oohs" and "ahhs" make me feel like I was there (along with having trouble holding my head up). Most notable are the "oohs" when Clu cuts off Blue and the great continuing crowd reaction when Jeff Bridges shows up on screen.
*Update* Disney has since removed the YouTube vid because of Copyright Infringement. However, if you are still desperate enough to want to know what happens in the teaser, the guys over at JoBlo have a geek-filled explanation!
Source: /Film
Friday, July 25, 2008
Blog-a-Thon: Cinexcellence
And if you don't want to have your name in cyberspace lights, at least check out Cinexcellence's great blog. He has some great info and news, including a fun, little known cameo in Steven Spielberg's Hook!
A Wrap-Up of the Latest Comic-Con News
There's a lot of news coming in about the San Diego Comic-Con (other than the news of crazy Twilighters ruining everyone's good times) so I figured that I would do a quick round-up of all of it for you all.
One of the biggest surprises of the Comic-Con so far has been the unveiling of a trailer for Wolverine by Hugh Jackman himself. Jackman even thanked the fans present at the panel for "giving him a career." He seems like a nice guy. Anyways, according to /Film's Adam Quigley, the trailer was full of geek-tastic images such as Wolverine and Sabertooth sharing a holding cell, shots of Deadpool (complete with ninja swords), Gambit (yes!) and The Blob. Basically, this sounds like a nerd's fantasy come true. Unfortunately, Mr. Quigley also said that most of the trailer came off in the cheesy kind of way. So, despite having a lot of fan favorites appear, this movie could still suck big time. I'm not sure that it could actually suck as much as X-Men: The Last Stand did... but hey, you never know. Here's hoping for the best... and we better have another beserker attack in this one... and Gambit better have a thick Cajun accent and throw glowing, purple cards. Seriously, that's all that character ever did. But, somehow, he was still awesome.

Never Back Down DVD Quote Is Hilarious
This past Spring Break, my friends and I went to see Never Back Down as a joke. The previews of the film looked awful and I gotta admit: the film did not disappoint. Man, this film was terrible. It was honestly one of the most cliche, ridiculous, and illogical things that I have ever seen. Seriously, if you have a good film taste and you want a good laugh, then check this thing out. It's so bad that it could easily be mistaken for a comedy.

Everyone Hates Twilight Fans
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Darren Aronofsky Is Officially Directing Robocop Sequel / Reboot
Well guys, it's official. Jason posted a rumor about this a few weeks ago but it has now been confirmed by MGM: visionary director Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain) is officially directing a sequel / reboot of Robocop. At first, it was rumored that the film he was making was going to be a remake (boo!) but, apparently that is not the case. The film will instead take place 20 years after the Robocop program was shut down in the future. They also tend to be pointing at an R-rating (unlike the lame Robocop 3, which was Pg-13... poor Fred Dekker... it killed his career completely).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A News Wrap Up For A Very Slow News Day...
I got nothing today, guys. Well... maybe not nothing... but it's close. Not much is going on today in the world of movies. This is most likely due to the fact that the San Diego Comic-Con is about to start up and everyone else in the world that runs a movie site is checking into a hotel at this moment. Since Jason and I do this site / blog for fun without pay, we will not be able to attend the San Diego Comic-Con. Still, we will cover the event's news the best we can (in other words, we'll read about it on other sites and then repost it here with own our brand of clever and witty banter- and we'll give credit to those sites, of course). However, I am working on getting money together so I can attend next year. After all, I've wanted to go to the thing for years now.