Thursday, February 7, 2008

Caleb's Lies

For the three people that read this blog, a little bit of information on our friend and contributor, Caleb. Caleb hates this blog. He thinks me and Wesley stole his idea for a website, and that we have since ruined his master plan. This is not true. Me and Wesley dreamed of the idea for a great website honoring our favorite movies. Caleb only came up with the name. So don't believe Caleb's lies. I know the website is lacking right now. But give us time. School is back in full force, the writer's strike is still going strong, exceptional DVD releases are scarce, and this is Hollywood's dead time in the theater circuit. I promise the website will be awesome soon
(I hope).

I love you Caleb.


movie_fan225 said...

I smell an uprising...

Jason said...

I was just trying to get Caleb to post something...a response...or anything!

Wesley said...

Yeah, he's not going to post anything.