I admit it, I am a PS3 fanboy. I don't own one personally, but I mooch off my friend's console systems from time to time, and my main experience with the PS3 is its Blu-Ray player. A couple months ago, Wal-Mart was having a secret sale, and my friend Daniel got the top of the line PS3 with 10 free Blu-Ray movies, right then and there. We could not wait to hook it up to his new 46' LCD and watch all the 1080p glory.
All that said, yeah I was pulling for Blu-Ray. I love Sony, I love Playstation, and I didn't want Daniel to be on the wrong side of the war.
Today, Toshiba announced they would stop producing HD-DVD capable players, and suffer millions of dollars in losses as a result. After Warner's exclusive backing of Blu-Ray, Netflix and Best Buy also put all of their weight behind format. Then, just last week, Wal-Mart, the king of all retailers, announced it would no longer support both formats, and decided to exclusively endorse Blu-Ray.
The Toshiba announcement is the final straw. Buy a Blu-Ray player, if you want, and may I recommend the PS3, because it is the most capable player on the market. R.I.P. HD-DVD, and congrats to Sony for finally winning a format war.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Format War Over...Blu-Ray Wins!
Posted by
1:01 PM
I read about this yesterday. I'm still holding on to my old plain DVD player. Maybe I'll update some day, but right now, I don't see it happening anytime soon. Still, we can always have Blu-ray night at Daniel's house. Good color timing.
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