Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An Introduction

Me, Wesley and some other guy at The Dark Knight midnight show.

Hello everyone,

I'm Ellis Purdie, and I've been wanting to contribute to YDKS Movies for some time now. Wesley and I have been friends for a couple of years, and it's good to be involved with him in this little project. I am recently a member of the Netflix community, and am excited about all of the great film I'm going to be watching in the coming months. I think I'm going to be focusing on Indie and Foreign films as those are the two genres I tend to gravitate towards.

Background information: In May I graduated from Mississippi College with a B.A. in English (literature focus). I met Wesley in the two film classes we had together, and after a while I sort of caught on to the fact that he was a well aware of some hmm... awesome shit I should say. After some moviegoing, cynicism, and crude nights in the dormitory, I'd say he and I hit it off well. I'm now a little further south, in Hattiesburg, getting my M.A. in literature and creative writing. I like films that tell good stories, as stories are what I'm trying to get better at telling. I'll probably be reviewing films based on the dialogue, characters, their interaction, and whether or not the story was good, as I don't know much about apertures, shot lengths, digital film, etc. I just like good stories. Film ought to be utilized for telling a good story. 'Nuff said.

Well, enough about me, expect a review for Takeshi Kitano's Hana-Bi (Fireworks) soon. Good day to all!


Wesley said...

Welcome to the site, Ellis. Glad to have you here.

Minda said...

Hey, I am really glad you introduced me to this site. I am excited about reading your blogs as well as the others posted here. Much time will be spent here I'm sure. You have a great thing started here Wesley!

I am also very excited about your new Netflix membership as I hope to utilize it myself every chance I get!

Looking forward to reading and watching~