Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bags and Boards Deleted Scene- "Meet Bruce and Brenningworth"

This is a deleted scene from episode I of Bags and Boards, my upcoming web series. It introduces two odd characters named Bruce (Austin Caldwell) and Brenningworth (Jim Schadelbach). Bruce and Brenningworth are two characters that have been floating around in scripts developed by Austin and I for sometime now. However, this is the first time that they have actually appeared in one of my films (Bruce has appeared on film before but it was in a family trip video... so I'm not sure if that actually counts). I'm glad to see them finally on screen as they are a good portion of the comedy found in the first episode of this series.

I really like the scene above but I had to cut it for time and content. Austin and Jim are improving all of this material as they mostly just went around the day we were filming and commented on various comic books they thought were lame. I really like this scene a lot but I just couldn't work it into the first episode. However, I have decided that it could possibly be the "cold opening" to episode II. We will see.

Hope you enjoy this little scene. Stay tuned for much more Bags and Boards material in the coming days.