Monday, March 23, 2009

Patrick Boivin's Videos are Pretty Awesome

Earlier today I was on Twitter (and if you don't follow the YDKS Movie Twitter you should as I have been updating the thing like a madman lately with all kinds of interesting insights, thoughts and news) and I saw the above video linked by Film School Rejects. It is made by a French Canadian director named Patrick Boivin. Boivin's made a few stop motion animation videos over time and they are all pretty incredible. The one above features a fight between Bruce Lee and Iron Man. It's pretty impressive in every way.

The video below features a dance by Boba Fett. Much like the video above, it is pretty epic.

The video below features Black Ox doing skate board tricks. It is insane. I don't even want to think how long it took to make it.

Apparently, YouTube now hosts interactive videos as well. Boivin made one called Bboy Joker. In this video, you select a character by clicking on either Batman or the Joker and then mimic your opponent's form of break-dancing. It's very simple (and really easy to beat) but the result is really impressive. It looks like a lot of time went into the creation of this thing. Be sure to check it out. It's kind of fun and I just liked admiring the craftsmanship behind it. Plus, I've never played with an interactive video on YouTube before so the concept of one kind of took me back (it's essentially like interacting with a flash video). 

Boivin also makes live action videos as well. I haven't had time to watch most of them but I did watch the one below earlier today. It's called Happy Meal and is a strange satire of McDonald's. This thing is insane. And it's probably one of the scariest things I've ever seen (which you can tell just from the screencap on the video). I'm not sure what it all means but it's really freaky. Watch it. And never go to McDonald's again.

Lastly, I have this video from Boivin's main YouTube page. It's a demo reel that shows off most of his work. It shows you the variety in all of his projects and just how diverse he is. It really showcases his filmmaking skills quite well.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed that. I've just been watching this guy's videos all day today and I just felt like sharing them with the rest of you. Hopefully, you found them as interesting, inventive, creative and inspiring as I did. I'm not half as talented as this guy is. It's really frustrating to realize something like that. But it definitely gives me something to strive for.


movie_fan225 said...

Wow. Quite impressive. Can't wait until you're makin stuff like this. Or better.

becca. said...

i really enjoyed those videos. very interesting. and very impressive.

Michelangelo-Sama said...

Holy Crap Wes!! I will never go to McDonalds ever again. That was creepy as Hell and No Creepy Vampire/Zombie Clown movies! lol