Sunday, September 6, 2009

Watch Bags and Boards Episode IV

Hey everyone. The fourth episode of my web series Bags and Boards is now completed after a long, arduous month of filming. This episode is much larger in scale than the rest of the episodes. I hope that you all like it. Watch it in full HD above. To see previous episodes, go here.

In this fourth episode entitled "The Voyage Home," the gang gets lost on the way to the Jackson Comic-Con while Betty and Steven get closer than they ever imagined.

This episode guest stars Larry Kenney, the voice of Lion-O from Thundercats.

Bags and Boards is a web series created by Wesley Caldwell, Austin Caldwell, Jay Long and Dale Griffin that follows comic book store workers as they struggle with the daily grind, antagonistic customers, love and hard economic times. Despite all of this, they maintain a positive outlook on life, have fun and celebrate the wonderful lifestyle of the comic book world.

Bags and Boards is a non-profit web series made for fun and to celebrate the world of comics. No money has been made by the creation of this show.

For news and updates on the show, go to the series' official site Bags and


Ellis said...

You never cease to amaze me, Mr. Caldwell. If I wrote half as much as you write/film, I'd be way better at my craft. Good freaking use of Mark Kozelek/Sun Kil Moon..or was that the Red House Painters days??

Ellis said...

I have never seen someone play a better asshole than Zach Osborn. Was it even acting? Ha!

Wesley said...

Thanks, Ellis. Glad you liked it. As for the song you are referring to, it is "Song for a Blue Guitar" by The Red House Painters.

Ellis said...

I have overstayed my welcome here, I know, but I mean, Guy should totally go ahead and marry Laura. Just. Saying.

Jason said...

Amazing as usual. I haven't been able to stop calling people muffin droppers, and the drifter seen had me rolling. Cannot wait for the next installment.