Thursday, May 22, 2008

Midnight Snacking!

Yeah, snacking on the pretentious junk that is movie blogging. I can't sleep tonight, so I decided to look for ways to draw people to our site, and in browsing found myself looking at other, similar blogs. I know that YDKS is in its infancy, so we do not have the resources to go to Cannes, and we have to wait till opening day to see movies, and even then we might not have the review to you until the next day, or two weeks as was the case with my pathetic Speed Racer review. I know the above sentence was not particularly eloquent or grammatically correct. The point is, I think we are pretty unconventional. And we are getting better at this. Wesley is a master of awesomely long and relevant posts, and I the shorter things, and that is just the way it is right now. But I was reading some of the other movie blogs, and they are all the same. I don't know how critics get famous by being just like everyone else. And critics do have the same opinion except for the occasional rebel who speaks out against Lord of the Rings only to slip back into conformity come next Friday. I don't understand, but hopefully this learning experience will bring about some reflection and change. Also, I have decided to critique other movie blogs and provide more bulleted listing in my post. But, for the rest of tonight, I am a tad full!


movie_fan225 said...

If YDKS were like all the other movie review blogs, I wouldn't be a dedicated fan.
P.S.-Cake looks delicious...

Wesley said...


Screw Lord of the Rings. Yeah, I said it.

Jay said...

That was uncalled for you ungrateful douchebag!

movie_fan225 said...

Great books, overrated movies. I'm siding with Wesley on this one. It does make me want to visit New Zealand, though.

Jason said...

Blossom stop being such an echo. Its not cool