Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wesley's Speed Racer Review

If I had to describe Speed Racer in one word, it would simply be this: colors. Lots and lots of colors. Red. Yellow. Blue. Purple. Orange. Turquoise. Magenta. Every color from the rainbow and then many more. This movie is not only the most colorful movie I’ve ever seen but it’s also one of the most unique, original, and entertaining experiences I’ve had in watching a film in a long time. Sure, it runs a little long (2 hours and 15 minutes) but, honestly, I never looked down at my watch once. How could this movie get so many bad reviews? What the hell is wrong with these critics? Indiana Jones is getting all this praise and Speed Racer gets left out in the cold? I enjoyed this a lot more than Doctor Jones’ latest adventure and then some. Not only is it more original and expertly crafted but it is also made by people that obviously still care about their subject matter. And that care sure shows here.

First, lets get this straight. Although I do remember watching the original Speed Racer cartoon some as a child, I would never consider myself an avid watcher or a fan. I’ve never been a fan of anime and, honestly, I usually cannot stand the stuff. I don’t know what it is but I just cannot get into it in any shape or form. It’s just not my thing. However, with that said, I absolutely loved the Wachowski Brothers’ (or is it just the Wachowskis now that Larry Wachowski has become Lana Wachowski?) take on a live action anime. It was just so colorful, kinetic and bizarre that I just couldn’t get enough of it. The way that they put blurred backgrounds behind moving characters, moved profiles of character’s faces around during dialogue sequences, and tried to put all objects in focus at the same time was something special to watch. The racing sequences (with all these filming techniques being employed) were absolutely insane to watch (the ending of the final race was crazy and really trippy… I actually felt like I was on drugs for a moment there). The random kung-fu fight in the snow was another highlight for this type of filmmaking. This filming technique seems to have turned many film viewers off but I loved every second of it. It was just an experience and I was into it the whole time.

A lot of the criticism for this movie tends to go towards the script. The story wasn’t anything really that new (as far as underdog sports films go) but, honestly, I couldn’t see any big problems with it. What’s wrong with this screenplay? I mean, seriously? I thought that the story for Speed Racer was a lot more focused and effective than that for the latest Indiana Jones. It even gets kind of complex and inventive at times, like with the intercutting between the opening race and everything that lead up to that. A lot of the dialogue felt fresh and genuine. I bought it. I was into what was going on. By the end of the movie, I really wanted Speed to win the final race. I really feel like the movie worked on a story level along with its gorgeous visuals. 

The great cast also helped bring out the screenplay’s strong points. Emile Hirsch, Christina Ricci, Susan Sarandon and John Goodman all give solid performances. Goodman is looking huge these days. As Caleb said afterwards, he may be the largest functioning human being (not in fat, but body size) that he has ever seen. With that said, I really enjoyed his more personal and emotional scenes with Speed. I also really enjoyed Roger Allam as the villainous E. P. Arnold Royalton. The guy was good at getting under your skin and really making you hate him. Good job.

What’s strange that this thing is marketed towards kids. What a strange children’s film. A lot of the film feels like it is more generated towards a teen to adult crowd with some more children-oriented sequences thrown in every now and then. I guess this would be my only problem with the movie. It just got too kid-friendly randomly for me. Still, it’s not that big of a problem and the sequences I’m referring to are actually pretty entertaining due to the way that they are filmed. Ever seen a kid and his monkey get transported into a crazy Japanese cartoon? Well, now you have. And it’s kind of awesome. Still, what a strange kids movie…

By the time the credits for Speed Racer came up, I was really surprised to have a big smile on my face. I really just thoroughly enjoyed this film. Going into it, I wasn’t expecting too much and I got entertained a thousand times more than I would have ever anticipated. Solid directing, acting, storytelling, incredible visuals, and insanely original filmmaking make up the two hours and fifteen minutes of Speed Racer. I realize it’s unusual film techniques may turn off some viewers but the film really deserves better reviews and word of mouth than it has been getting. Speed Racer is not a bad movie. It’s just very original and a whole lot of fun if you are up for a different kind of film experience. I was definitely up for it. I hope the Wachowskis can recover from the financial failure of this film and continue to make something equally, if not more, original and enjoyable for their next film. After all, Speed Racer is light-years better than both of their Matrix sequels… and those things made an insane amount of dough. But, then again, who was really waiting for a really original film adaptation of Speed Racer? Well, I sure wasn’t, but I definitely got more than I could have ever dreamed of getting. And I’m happy about that.



movie_fan225 said...

As I clicked on the YDKS tab on the toolbar of my Firefox browser, I was giddy with joy to see "Wesley's Speed Racer Review" emblazoned at the very top. This movie blew my mind. Like Wesley, I was never really into much anime, save Dragonball Z (which, if they would make a movie about in the same fashion as Speed Racer, I might go ape shit), but I do recognize and really appreciate that the Wachowski's tried to integrate an anime-esque style of filming into the film (e.g. blurred stills, overly-animated fighting sounds and styles, "floating heads", etc.). This is what really makes anime anime, and their use of it in Speed Racer was impeccable. The graphics... Damn. Un-frickin-believable. The race sequences made me laugh and squeal like a little girl at times. I will agree with Wesley in saying that the story line wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but at least I never once got bored with it. I was really, genuinely, thoroughly entertained by this movie. And I will buy this movie when it comes out on DVD. Hell, I'll probably get a Blue-Ray player just for watching this movie, it's that beautiful. Kudos, Wachowski brother and pseudo-sister. You deserved so much more money than Indy. And last but not least, did anybody notice that Susan Sarandon's boobs looked strangely enormous in this movie? Not that I was really looking closely... I just couldn't help but notice this. They rivaled those of John Goodman. I think the bright green dresses she wore might have had something to do with it...

Jay said...

Awesome Review...From now on, I am just going to let you speak as I lurk ominously in the background saying "Yeah, You Right" a lot!