Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Somebody Needs to Release Trick 'r Treat!

You guys see the date on that poster above? October 5, 2007. Yeah, that was last October. But I don’t remember Trick ‘r Treat being released then. Well, it wasn’t. Why? I don’t have a clue. As of now, IMDB has the film’s release date set as a vague 2009. 2009? This thing was supposed to come out last Halloween. What happened?

For those not familiar with this movie, here’s the trailer for it and a synopsis from IMDB:

“Five interwoven stories occur on the same block, on the same night. A couple finds what happens when they blow a jack o' lantern out before midnight, a high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer, a college virgin might have met the right guy for her, a group of mean teens play a prank that they take too far, and a hermit is visited by a special trick or treater.”

Yeah, that’s right, it’s a good ole’ anthology horror film in the spirit of George A. Romero’s Creepshow. Not only that, but it’s written and directed by Michael Dougherty, the writer of X2: X-Men United and produced by Bryan Singer. If that’s not enough for you, it’s got a pretty impressive cast with people like Brian Cox, Dylan Baker, and Anna Paquin. And it was all set to go this past Halloween. Yeah, a good old-fashioned Halloween-themed horror anthology flick that was going to be in theaters in October. Wouldn’t that have been nice? Kind of like it would have been nice if they released Rob Zombie’s Halloween in October and not at the end of August (what the hell?). But no, that’s not what happens. In fact, not only do we not get this perfect Halloween film in October but we also don’t get the thing at all. 2009? What the hell, Warner Bros.? I had the trailer to this thing attached to my copy of 300 that I got in August. Now, it’s May and it still seems iffy that this thing will ever get released. Plus, I’ve heard that re-shoots are rumored and that Warner Bros. has just dropped the film.

How did this happen? I heard nothing but really positive word of mouth from test screenings. Did you guys watch that trailer? This thing looks like it’s a lot of fun. It has a great cast, great creative team, and some beautiful, atmospheric cinematography. This thing would have been wonderful for last Halloween. Hell, this thing would have been great for any Halloween. I heard the initial reason for pushing the thing back was because of Saw IV. Saw IV? Screw Saw IV. I’m so sick of this, “It’s Halloween so you know it’s gonna be Saw.” Screw the Saw movies. They’ve killed that for me. Don’t get me wrong, the first Saw was great, it really was. It was really original, brutal, and clever. I also enjoyed the second one for what it was worth (which is not too much). But Saw III? Come on. What a piece of crap. That movie was all about the torture and gore, not the story. I can’t believe this series is still going. And it doesn’t have a Halloween feel in anyway. Trick ‘r Treat would have been perfect! I’m sick to death of Saw’s new monopoly over the Halloween holiday. It’s time for some new, more original horror to come in and entertain horror fans during this special time of the year.

The more I think about this situation the more I get sick to my stomach. This just shouldn’t even be happening. Whoever has the rights to this thing needs to wise up and set a release date during October 2008. Yes, this Halloween. The movie’s already finished and, from all the reviews I’ve heard, the thing is just a blast. Apparently, it works as just a fun, 1980’s-like horror film that anyone can enjoy. It’s supposed to be violent but not as much as most horror films these days. It looks to be very entertaining with a large audience and, from reviews I’ve read, an instant cult classic among horror fans. I want to see this movie bad. It looks like it is every thing that I love about horror in general and then some. It looks like the kind of horror film I could only dream of making. I want it now.

Whoever has the rights of this film needs to wise up and see the potential it has in the market place. This is movie is perfect in every way for an October release. Forget about Saw. People have to be getting tired of that torture crap by now. This is their breath of fresh air. Trick ‘r Treat needs and deserves to be released, just in time for Halloween. 

Please, release this movie before I lose my mind. I need some good horror bad. Really bad


movie_fan225 said...

Oh my gosh... just watched the trailer for that one, and I must say, it looks amazing. I'm not much of a horror movie fan, but from watching the trailer, I would watch this anytime, not just Halloween. Who's bright idea was it to postpone the release of this beauty? The Saw series can lick my testes. The first one was pretty good, but I won't even give the sequels the time of day from what I've heard from people's reactions to them. This movie actually looks like a movie made specifically for Halloween, and it's been far too long since a solid, well-made Halloween movie has come around.