Thursday, August 20, 2009

Avatar Teaser Trailer is Meh

Today, the long-awaited Avatar teaser trailer was released on Apple. For those living under a rock, Avatar is James Cameron's return to filmmaking employing "revolutionary" CGI and a photorealistic 3-D alien world with an epic science fiction story. Basically, this thing has been shadowed in secrecy and has been supposed to changed the face of film forever.

Well, after looking at the teaser trailer, I don't think it's going to live up to the hype. First off, it must be stressed that this trailer is only avaliable online in 2-D. I have heard that seeing Avatar footage in full Digital 3D is a much more powerful experience. However, seeing it in 2D did not impress me much. In fact, a lot of the CGI looked completely unconvincing and a little cheesy.

The best way I can describe the trailer is that it feels like a mixture of Fern Gully and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. I'm not saying that this going to be a bad movie-- in fact, I am looking forward to watching it in full Digital 3D. I'm just saying that, after all the hype, I'm not sure if it's going to be what we've been promised for all of these months. Cameron said that the CGI was going to be so photorealistic that we would be convinced that humans and aliens were co-existing together. As far as I'm concerned, director Neil Blomkamp already pulled that off in his brilliant District 9.

Also, I kind of feel like furries are going to love this movie.... and man... I really hate furies.

Watch the trailer below and feel free to agree with me or argue that this is going to be as revolutionary as Cameron has been saying it was going to be.

*Update: Trailer now fixed*

Source: Trailer Addict


Fletch said...

Agreed - it looks like a bad video game. Or maybe a good video game, but a video game nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

this movie just looks awkward...

Wesley said...

Glad I'm not the only one who felt this way.

BTW, Redison, where have you been, man? I haven't seen you comment in a while. Good to see you still roam the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Haha I haven't read anyone's blog in a long time. I started reading them again today and brought 1000+ posts in my google reader down to 800, and I probably won't be able to read anymore until next weekend which it means I'll be right back where I started! Haha...... ha. So busy (the good kind of busy though).

If I'm smart I'll start putting aside thirty minutes everyday to read the blogs which I have voluntarily subscribed to... this catching up thing is hard(!), especially when my anal-retentive nature won't permit me to skip words, much less entire posts... oy.