Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Wolfman Trailer Is A Lot of Fun

While everyone's been talking about the Avatar trailer, a much better trailer was also released today. The trailer for Joe Johnston's remake of The Wolfman is now online. Despite all the film's setbacks over the past year or so (the loss of original director Mark Romanek, arguments over the level of gore and the use of CGI, reshoots and pushed back release dates), I think that it looks like a really good time at the movies. I'm a huge fan of the original Universal Studios monsters and the The Wolfman was always one of my personal favorites.

For those who do not know, actor Benicio Del Toro has always dreamed of playing the Wolfman (something that was subtly brought into his Jackie Boy role in Sin City). Now that he's finally getting his chance, I'm excited to see it finally unfolding on the screen. From what I've heard, the screenplay by Seven and Sleepy Hollow scribe Andrew Kevin Walker is pretty much perfect (and surprisingly violent). It's nice to see that Johnston's visuals seem to be matching up nicely with the much lauded screenplay. The visuals in this trailer are pretty beautiful and really give the feel of an old, classic monster movie. I particularly loved the shot of the Wolfman stalking the girl in the fog-covered woods at the end. Really classy stuff.

It's also nice to see that the transformation scenes should be handled nicely. Special effects master Rick Baker (of An American Werewolf in London fame) did the practical effects in the film. The combination of Baker's practical effects and CGI seems to be handled in a nice, well-rounded manner. 

Overall, I'm excited for this movie. There are many things riding against it (all the set backs mentioned above) but I'll definitely be there to see it opening night. Let's just hope we're getting Rocketeer-era Joe Johnston and not the Joe Johnston that made Jurassic Park III. God, that movie sucked...

Watch the trailer below.

Source: Trailer Addict