Saturday, August 29, 2009

Emily Hagins is Awesome

A week or two ago, I made a post about Zombie Girl: The Movie, which chronicled the trails and tribulations of Emily Hagins, a 12 year old girl in the sixth grade who made a feature length zombie film entitled Pathogen.

After watching Zombie Girl: The Movie, I had a strong urge to see Pathogen and find out just what resulted from the ridiculously long film shoot that Emily underwent at such a young age. I ordered the movie shortly after and, just the other day, I received it in the mail.

I just opened the packaging today to find a custom written note on my receipt paper. It was written in Sharpie, which you could see bled through on the other side of the paper. You can see the note below.

How awesome is that? Not only was the movie only 10 dollars to buy (and that's shipping and handling included), but Emily, the director of the movie, writes a little note on the receipt. That's really cool to me. I'm not sure how many of these things she sells a day (I assume not thousands but, since Zombie Girl's release, it's gotta be a slightly big number) but the fact that she takes the time to write a note on the receipts of each one says a lot. This is a girl that's not only still in high school but is also working hard on her second feature film. This is someone with not a lot of free time on their hands. The fact that she takes the time to do something like this says a lot to me. I've always been big on gratitude and this is the kind of move that really earns Emily a lot of my respect.

I haven't gotten to watch Pathogen yet (update: I have. It's sporadic and jumbled but, considering a 12 year old made it, it has some impressive moments. That and it is fun) but, even if it's not that good, I still respect the crap out of Emily Hagins. Not only did she have the guts to go out and make her first feature film at the age of 12 but she seems to be a class act.

For those of you that are interested, you can purchase Pathogen and see updates on Emily's newest projects at her website Cheesy Nuggets.Com.

Another Awesome Update: She's also cool enough to answer fan emails. Because I just got a reply. Nice.


Jason said...

I did attempt to watch the documentary about Emily recently, but I did not get to finish. I am also very interested in her feature. But from your coverage, I can tell she truly is a class act.