Friday, November 21, 2008

Have a Good Weekend

Hey everyone. 

Just wanted to let you all know that I won't be able to do any posts this coming weekend as I am taking a much needed break and going out of town. I should be able to post more regularly starting next week during Thanksgiving break. But, as far as this weekend goes, I won't be around to really update any. 

Also, I wanted to remind all of you to please not see Twilight. This movie looks absolutely terrible and the reviews for it definitely don't change that assumption. Plus, even the actors in the film acknowledge that they don't understand the appeal and think the fans are insane (read here and here; I gained respect for these people). The fans of this book are basically a cult and of the worst kind. Plus, they started a riot at a mall trying to get into a Hot Topic store for a Twilight book signing. How lame is that? And a Twilight book signing would take place at a Hot Topic. And of course everyone remembers all the insanity they caused at this past year's San Diego Comic-Con. 

Instead of seeing this piece of cinematic dung, please do something more constructive. What, may you ask? I dunno. Any else would be good. Go watch The Wrestler trailer for the 50th time (at least in my case). Go watch the Nostalgia Critic's new video on Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (such an awful movie). Study for finals (you know they are coming up). Watch Casino Royale on DVD (it's better than seeing Quantum of Solace in theaters). Sit at home by yourself. Really, anything is better than seeing this film. Anything.

Have a good weekend. I'll post an update if I can when I get back.