Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Here's What Has Been Going On

Okay, so today hasn't exactly turned out like I planned it to.

I planned on sending most of today working on papers since I got a lot of them due when I get back from Thanksgiving break but my Internet crashed right when I got on this morning. It's been out all day so, because of this, I have achieved absolutely nothing since I needed the Internet for research. Along with working on research for my papers, I had planned on doing a decent update for YDKS but, as you can tell, that has not happened either. So, for now, this will have to do.

Today's post is just going to be a really random one. There isn't really an overall goal with this one but, honestly, I kind of like those. So, I present to you a summary of what I've been doing over the past few days.

After getting back from Memphis on Sunday night, a few friends and I watched Dr. Giggles. For those of you who do not know, Dr. Giggles is a really awful slasher film made in 1992 starring Larry Drake (the bad guy from Darkman) as a homocidial doctor who giggles and delivers terrible one-liners while killing brainless teenagers. It's just as bad as it sounds and a thousand times as fun. I bought this over Amazon after my friend Ellis brought the movie up in my room late one night. We had both seen the movie before in our childhoods which is a really rare feat. After talking about the movie for ten minutes, we decided to buy it immediately. We did so for a measly seven bucks. Man was it worth it. Watching Dr. Giggles with a group of guys was one of the best film viewing experiences of my life. This thing is absolutely hilarious (in that "this is a bad movie" kind of way). It was so much fun. I've put up part 1 of the movie below from YouTube. Check it out if you dare (it is actually pretty gory so be warned).

On Monday night, I decided to continue my bad horror film fest by watching See No Evil with Blossom and few other guys. How did I arrive at this decision? Well, Blossom (or moviefan225 as you know him here) and I were at Walmart when I saw this awful film in the five dollar bin. Once I made eye contact with it, I knew I had found what was to occupy my evening. 

You have to understand- I knew this was going to be bad. After all, it was starring Kane of WWE fame (which was a huge reason that I shelled out five bucks- I used to be a hardcore wrestling fan and I knew that a horror film starring Kane had to be hilarious). Well, when it came down to it, this movie was just plain bad. Not the good fun kind of bad that Dr. Giggles was. No, this movie was just plain garbage. What a piece of flaming crap. It really was painful to sit through. 

However, the ending redeemed everything. This is the most insulting ending I've ever seen in a movie. It's basically like they were, "Hey, you how the only people who are going to see this movie are Kane fans? Well, f-them! And f-Kane too. Let's give him the most insane, embarrassing cartoony death ever put to film!" And they do. And it's hilarious. He gets a pipe put through his eye socket, falls out of a window, hits every window on the way down with the pipe, falls through a glass greenhouse, has the pipe ripped out and then has a piece of glass driven through his heart as he hits the ground (shown via a ridiculous digital zoom into his body). I kid you not. It's absolutely ridiculous... but satisfying. I don't have a video of this but, after the credits, they go even further by having a random dog come in and, for no reason at all, urinate into Kane's hollowed out eye socket. Yeah, they really were pissed at Kane and his fans or something.

Here's a video of Kane's death. It's taken from some kid filming off of a TV but I figured the poor quality of it kind of reflected the film's overall quality so it shouldn't be that big of deal. Enjoy.

So good.

I saw Role Models late last night with Zach (our guest writer) and his cousin Josh. It was pretty ridiculous and stupid at times but, overall, I really enjoyed it. It was a great late night movie experience. For some reason, I was oblivious to the fact that David Wan had directed this movie. If I had known this, I would have probably wanted to see it much sooner as he directed Wet Hot American Summer, which I am pretty fond of (yes, I know it's beyond stupid). It was nice to see some of the people from that movie show up here. All the relationships in the movie were pretty strong and all the LAIR scenes were pretty amazing. The ending with the LAIR battle royale was really epic and pretty hilarious. Plus, I pretty much like any comedy with Paul Rudd in it. It's nothing compared to Judd Apatow produced comedy but it's fun if you have a couple of hours to spare. I'd probably give it a 7/10.

This doesn't really have anything to do with movies but today, while I was trying to figure out something to do with my Internet down, I decided to go to Barnes and Noble. While I was there, I purchased Watching the Watchmen by Dave Gibbons. It's a huge hardback book covering the creation of Watchmen. The artwork in the book was pretty beautiful and I've been enjoying reading it throughout the day. My only complaint is that it can be hard to read sometimes because it is so big and sometimes they put dark blue text over a black background, which is hard to make out. However, this seems like it was worth the 40 bucks I shelled out for it. It's perfect if you are a Watchmen fanboy (which I am).

Also, Blossom just finished reading Watchmen tonight and he wanted me to say how angry he is that they changed the original ending of the graphic novel for the movie. I'm angry too, Blossom. I'm angry too.

So that's what's been going on with me the past few days. I hope you all have enjoyed reading. Hopefully, I will be able to get a more regular YDKS post up tomorrow (as long as I don't lose my Internet). We will see what happens. Thanks for reading.