Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Unborn Looks Really Fun

When I went to see Role Models the other night, the trailer for David S. Goyer's horror film The Unborn was attached to my print. This trailer isn't new by any means but, for some reason or another, this was the very first time that I laid my eyes on it. I have to say- I was fairly impressed. I don't know if it will be a good movie per say but it definitely looks incredibly entertaining. Plus, it has some of the freakiest images I've seen in a horror trailer in some time. When the trailer finished playing, my friend and guest writer Zach turned to me and said, "We are freaking going." I think I'm going to have to agree with him.

I guess the main reason I've been avoiding this trailer is the fact that I don't think David S. Goyer is that great. Yes, I know that he's worked on the stories for both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. However, I'm pretty sure that he was responsible for all the stuff that I didn't like about Batman Begins (in other words, all the cheesy one-liners that were so out of place). While he worked on the screenplay for Batman Begins, he only recieved a story credit for The Dark Knight while Chris and Jonathan Nolan got a screenplay credit. And I don't know if you noticed or not but The Dark Knight ended up being vastly superior to Batman Begins and didn't contain all the awkward one-liners that that film contained. Also, Goyer directed the terrible Blade Trinity which I saw in theaters for some reason... So, yeah, I have my reasons to not trust the guy.

With that said, the movie still looks pretty fun. Plus, it has Gary freaking Oldman in it. How could I not find that appealing? Lastly, it has Masuka (C.S. Lee) and Harry (James Remar) from Dexter and Stringer (Idris Elba) from The Wire, two shows that I have been watching a lot of lately. Yeah, that shouldn't be a huge reason to see a movie but I have to admit that it has been working on me a little subconsciously. Plus, I just really wanna see a movie that has a crab-man in it. At least, I think that was a crab-man. I mean, I've never seen a crab-man but I think that that is what one would look like. But, I could be wrong.

Check out the trailer below.

Source: Trailer Addict


Jason said...

Wow. Seriously Man? Fun? I also saw this trailer when I went to see Role Models. Myself, my roommate, and about 10 other people were belly laughing out loud at how ridiculous this movie looked. That old guy with body-wide arthritis was just the icing on the entire cake. "Funny" may be the right word in this case my friend.

Wesley said...

i disagree. i thought it was going to be lame at first but it turned out differently for me as it went on. a lot of my friends tend to agree. but i guess it doesn't apply to everyone.