Friday, May 8, 2009

The New Girl in Town

So, hello everyone. It is me: the awaited new writer: The girl. Pardon my awkwardness, and lack of words here at the start. Perhaps you would just like to know a few things about me for now? How about, for starters, I list for you my top 5 movies (note: I do not consider these the top 5 movies of all time; but they are the top 5 movies i personally have a strong attachment to)? Here goes nothing:

1) Breakfast at Tiffany's

The first time I watched this at the age of 11 I knew, for some reason, it would forever be my favorite movie. At this time, I did not know Audrey Hepburn was a big deal for half the other women of the world, and I also did not know how well-known this movie was. I thought I had stumbled upon something extraordinary. Somehow, I still think I have.

2) Braveheart
Definitely a close second, if you don't know the reasons this should be in your very own top 5 then i suggest you go rent it. NOW.

3) A Christmas Story
I completely understand that there is very little cinematic value to this particular movie. However, I have so many memories attached while watching the 24 hour marathon with my father every year at Christmas. This is one of the very few movies that has me laughing from start to finish; as well as one of the very few movies I can quote word for word.

4) Penny Serenade
If you enjoy watching "old" movies, then I suggest this to be your next one (especially if you're a girl). Irene Dunne and Cary Grant are beautiful together. And it still makes me cry. Every time.

5) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

I'm afraid I hold no explanation for this. I love the out-of-place music throughout the film's entirety. And once again, there is a slight humor that just isn't meant for everyone. But, it's quirks outnumber all the reasons it should have failed.

Well, there's my top 5. I feel I should also let you know that my favorite era for movies is 30s-40s. So, most likely I will be supplying some crazy opinions on those old films that you may only watch in a class somewhere or at your grandmother's house.

And one last thing. Here's to hoping for a grand summer of movies. *cheers*

~amanda leigh


Wesley said...

Welcome. It will be nice to have a female perspective around here.

movie_fan225 said...

Finally. Someone who I can agree with on things.

amanda leigh said...

thanks guys. and someone agreeing with my taste in movies? quite impressive.