Monday, December 1, 2008

Speech of the Week #19

Hey guys, welcome to a column here on YDKS Movies entitled Speech of the Week! For now on, every Monday I will post a new scene from a movie that features a speech of some sort being given. After all, there are a lot of famous scenes in film where characters give an influential speech of some sort. Then again, there are also a lot of scenes where characters give a speech and it just comes off cheesy and lame. In this section, you will see both kinds. That's right, people, I'm giving you the good and bad of film speeches all wrapped up in one great big package. I hope you all enjoy.

I'm running kind of late today so I will keep this description short. This week's speech comes from one of my favorite movies of all time- Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs. No, it's not the opening scene. It's the commode story speech. In this sequence, we get to see Mr. Orange go undercover and become one of the men under Joe Cabot to go through with the bank robbery. Most of this sequence consists of him coming up with and learning a "commode story" in order to have something that will help him gain the trust of the criminals he is going to try and get in with. I've included the whole sequence of him going undercover and learning the story along with his delivery of the story to the criminals. It's a pretty great scene and features some solid direction and writing from Tarantino. Check it out.


movie_fan225 said...

Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right. Here I am. Stuck in the middle with you..... You should start a "B-A Pwnage Scene of the Week" column for a while. Speech of the week is getting played out. Last week's was a stretch.

Wesley said...

Last week's speech was wonderful.

I will not be discontinuing this column.

movie_fan225 said...

Whatever. Your site, your rules. But keep your fan(s?) in mind here. You don't want a coup on your hands.

Jason said...

This is single-handedly one of my most looked forward too reads of any week or day. And the column is only getting better as the weeks progress. Nicely done my friend!

movie_fan225 said...

Jason. You suck-up.