Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A DTV You Got to See! It's Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus!

You know those not-too-subtle movie ripoffs you see on the shelves every time you venture to Blockbuster? You know? The ones that have similar titles and plot outlines with the big budget movies that are about to be released in theaters?

I don't know why I never even thought about it before, but those movies are being made by the same production company. They are called "mockbusters" and their similar titles and plot outlines are more than just coincidence. This business model is the genius brainchild of David Michael Latt and David Rimawi, the founders of the DTV (direct-to-video) production company known as The Asylum. Wikipedia has an amazing comparison list of their studio's filmography. Here are just a few of the titles listed and I dare you to try and guess which blockbusters they coincide with: Snakes on a Train, Transmorphers: The Fall of Man, Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls, Sunday School Musical, and The Terminators (I laughed out loud at this one earlier today). Is this absurd? Sure it is. But I think these guys really got something here. And it is hilarious, regardless of any preconceived notions you may now have about these guys.

Their latest creation is starting to create some much deserved buzz. And, like most of their other releases, this one capitalizes on D-list actors of 80's. Starring none other than Lorenzo Lamas and Deborah Gibson, I present to you the masterpiece that is Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus!

"It Rises" to Blockbuster shelves near you May 19, 2009!

Source: MTV Movies Blog


Wesley said...

Yeah, this looks like a winner. The shot of the shark taking out the airplane is what sold me. The Asylum FTW.

Good to see you posting again, Jason. I have missed you.

amanda leigh said...

Now that I'd like to see, the Sunday School Musical that is. But Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus? Really? Only Christian movies should be allowed!

movie_fan225 said...

I will most definitely be seeing this one. Movie night at Wesley's house, for sure.