Thursday, February 26, 2009

Help With the Watchmen Midnight Show Effort

As I did with The Dark Knight, I am desperately trying to get a Watchmen midnight show organized at my local movie theater Malco Grandview. I am pretty sure that there will be one at my local Tinseltown but I would prefer to see it at Malco because they are the only theater in my local area to show digital projections. I have found in the past that these digital projections are worth the extra money and the long drive to Malco.

Unfortunately, Malco is really shady when it comes to midnight shows. They don't like holding them (despite the extra cash they get from them) and don't really know how to organize them very well. It took them weeks to finally crack and hold a Dark Knight midnight show. Even when they did, there was a lot of confusion in organization and last minute additions of multiple screens. Still, the show was a lot of fun and ended up being a massive post.

Anyways, over the past week or so, I have been trying to get a midnight show for Watchmen going at Malco as well. I have been calling them and have emailed them twice. So far, my emails have not been answered and the only answer I've gotten on the phone is that they simply "don't know yet." Honestly, that's better than the answer I got when I first started calling about The Dark Knight. I got a straight up "no" when I began calling for that. At least they were somewhat (if not barely) hopeful this time. 

The fact is that I need your help with this. Much like I did with The Dark Knight midnight show, I need you guys (at least the ones who live in the Jackson, Mississippi area, which happens to be most of my readership) to start to call in to Malco and request that they hold a midnight show for Watchmen. Let them know that this thing is a big deal and you want to see it at midnight, on the biggest screen they got and in a digital projection. This may sound crazy but, the last time I did this, a lot of readers did call in and Malco did in fact hold a midnight show for The Dark Knight (and sold out five screens in the process). While I'm not saying that Watchmen is going to have as big a crowd as The Dark Knight (one screen will probably be enough), it is an event movie and requires a midnight show. The interest and fan base is there and I believe that it will be successful.

So please help me out on this. I'm so pumped to see this movie that I don't think I can wait past midnight on March 6th. I just need to see this thing. I don't even care if it's good or not (reviews so far are pretty positive). I just want to see it. So help me to get this thing happening. It could really be a lot of fun.

To contact Malco, call them here: 601-898-7819. You can also email them here:

Please help me make this happen. It means a lot to me. Thanks.


movie_fan225 said...

On it.

Anonymous said...

Fuck malco. There's not a theater in this whole damn state showing it. I hate this place!

Wesley said...

Yeah. I tried. I really did.

Anonymous said...

Aw. The poor babies. Here's a thought, stop jacking off to Batman in your mom's basement, and wait for the movies that you want to see to come out on DVD. For the full movie theatre experience, bring popcorn.

Wesley said...

Well I live in Mississippi and no one here really has a basement. So I have to use the attic. Not much atmosphere to the experience.