Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Friday the 13th DVDs and Blu-ray Discs

In case you forgot, the Platinum Dunes remake / re-imagining / whatever of Friday the 13th is coming out next Friday... the 13th. Yes, clever, right? Unlike most horror remakes, I'm actually kind of looking forward to it because it actually looks like a lot of fun. Plus, I've just never taken the Friday the 13th series that seriously. I mean, Jason did go to space. From what I've seen, the remake will have Jason, Mrs. Voorhees, lots of blood, nudity, sex and violence. That sounds like a Friday the 13th movie to me. So, yeah, kind of sounds like they made the right kind of flick.

Anyways, I reported a rumor a few months ago that Paramount would be re-releasing all the old movies again to coincide with the remake coming out. I was hoping for a dream box set with uncut versions of the movies and new special features. Well, as it turns out, that is not happening. In fact, there is no box set being released (yet). However, there is some cool stuff coming out.

First off is a 2 Disc DVD documentary called His Name was Jason. This 90-minute documentary is hosted by special effects legend Tom Savini (who, unfortunately, I hear can be a real dick in person... just so you know) and covers the 30 year history of Friday the 13th and its machete-welding star, Jason. I'm looking forward to getting this (I hear Walmart has it for 9 bucks for anyone that is wondering). Not only does it have a lot of special features but it has a crap load of interviews. One of the people interviewed is James Rolfe, a.k.a. The Angry Video Game Nerd. I thought it was pretty cool that he got on there. It's probably due to his brilliant Friday the 13th Nintendo game review

You can watch the trailer for this documentary below.

The other Friday the 13th DVDs being released happen to not only be on DVD. That's right- Friday the 13th has finally moved to Blu-ray. Is it really necessary to have a Friday the 13th movie on Blu-ray? Probably not. Still, I might get the first on there just to do it. Depends on how much I can get it for.

Friday the 13th Parts 1-3 are getting re-released on DVD and Blu-ray. Friday the 13th is being released in an Uncut Edition, which, as far as I know, is a first for an American release. Each DVD / Blu-ray Disc is a special edition and has its own special features. My favorite thing about this release is that Friday the 13th Part 3 is finally getting released with a 3-D version attached to it. It comes with two pairs of 3-D glasses- one for you and a friend (or a girl if you're a bad a). I think that this one will be a lot of fun to watch. Other than the theatrical release, a 3-D version of this movie hasn't been released on video. It will finally be nice to see that guy's eyeball fly at my face when Jason crushes his head.

So, overall, the new DVD / Blu-ray releases look somewhat solid. It's definitely not what I was hoping for. I just don't think Paramount will ever give us the definitive box set of these movies in their uncut form ever. They just don't care about the fans. The rest of the movies are getting special editions as well and will be released throughout the year (why not release them all at the same time in a box set?). Something in my gut tells me that when they are all finally re-released a cheap box set will be put together of them. Man, I hate Paramount and who ever is in charge of putting their DVDs together. Stop ripping me and other fans off.

So, until the inevitable rip-off, enjoy all these new Jason goodies.