Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The People vs. George Lucas Trailer Intrigues Me

I saw this on /Film last week and meant to post on it then. However, I was pretty sick at the time and didn't feel like doing much of anything. So, here I am just now getting to it.

Exhibit A Films is releasing a documentary this year entitled The People vs. George Lucas. It features interviews with many fans as they express their feelings on George Lucas, his creations and what he has done to his legacy. 

This is a pretty interesting topic as the rabid hate for George Lucas is something that is pretty wide spread among the fan community. The man went from being a God send to the anti-Christ over the span of a few years. Sure, he still has his defenders but, for the most part, it feels like everyone has turned against the man. Personally, I constantly struggle with where I stand. I own the Star Wars prequels but believe them to be pretty awful for the most part (though I did enjoy most of Episode III- Revenge of the Sith). I thought Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was pretty much an embarrassment (aliens, people). I felt that his changes to the original Star Wars trilogy via the Special Editions were unnecessary and, at times, kind of insulting.

Basically, it is really hard to like this man. He seems determined to destroy his legacy and the fan base that he established with some of the greatest films ever made. It's sad to watch but, at the time, it is incredibly intriguing. I always like to read peoples varying views on Lucas because it is a subject that tends to bring out the most impassioned feelings from people. Lucas' films really meant a lot to us as children so his sudden change really has made all of us choose a side. This documentary looks like it will explore both sides throughly, along with the most popular criticisms of Lucas' more recent work (Jar Jar Binks, Greedo shooting first, Ewoks, etc.).

Plus, it has a song called "George Lucas Raped Our Childhood" playing in the middle of the trailer. How cool is that?

I'm looking forward to this one. Check out the trailer below.

Source: /Film