Monday, February 2, 2009

You Won't Fool Me, Transformers 2 Teaser

Everyone on the net and I guess around the world is going ape over the new Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen 30-second SuperBowl spot. For the life of me, I just can't figure out why. The general consensus seems to be: "Oh my God!!! They got bigger robots in this one!!! Did you see how big that one robot was compared to Optimus Prime!!! OMG1G1!1111!!" LOLZ!!!"

So the robots are bigger. So what. What does that even mean? So the freaking robots are bigger. Did you people see the first movie? It wasn't just bad. It was f*cking terrible. It was one of the worst excuses I've seen for film entertainment. And just because this movie has bigger robots doesn't mean it's going to be a better movie. Granted, it does appear (from the 30 seconds displayed, may I remind you) that I can actually tell what's going on from the action scenes in this one. Still, it doesn't mean this movie is going to be good. The first one was awful and, since this is a sequel to that film, I doubt it will be much better.

Plus, it's Michael Bay, people. What are you expecting?

The collective geek-out that has resulted over this teaser makes me want to vomit. I'm looking at you, /Film. Come on. 

If you like these movies, please just stop reading my site.

Here's the spot if you want to see it for some reason.


becca. said...

so. i am looking forward to this movie. i enjoyed the first one. and what is wrong with michael bay?

Wesley said...


Anonymous said...

the first one was good for about 45 minutes... it was all shit after that, so i won't be seeing transformers 2. headaches, i need not.

i actually like a few michael bay movies... just a few. the island was fun, and armageddon was pretty good as well. they have their flaws, for sure, but they're nothing quite close to the horrible posh of pearl harbor and the irritating mound of pissing metal that is transformers...

Anonymous said...


Michelangelo-Sama said...

I agree with you 100% Wes. Once again Bay will continue to run the good name of The Transformers into the ground.

The people that liked the first movie are Bay lovers and nothing more. True die hard fans of Transformers hate this movie, and Bay just as much. He refused to make the characters look anything like their 80s cartoon versions. Which resulted in fans asking "Who is that suppose to be?" Instead he decided to make them all look like pure shit. He went against the original back story, there was more air time for the humans instead of what the movie implies. The title of the movie is Transformers not Long drawn out boring human plot lines. I could go on for days on how bad the first movie was and how bad the second will be and how horrible a director Bay is. Michael Bays Transformers movie makes the original 80s movie look like Citizen Kane.

I don't know if you know much about the original cartoon series or the 80s movie, but if you grew up watching it like I did you would have a much deeper hate for Bay and everything he is doing wrong with one of the greatest 80s cartoons of all time.

I will continue to hold out hope that one day someone will make a good CGI Transformers movie the way it was intended to be Generation 1 perfect.

Like in this video-