Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is the Happiest Ending?

Today has been a pretty good day. Actually, the past two days have been pretty good. I'm feeling different. I'm feeling surprisingly optimistic (which is a new thing for me). I'm not sure how long it will last but I'm hoping it will stick with me for at least a few more days. 

Anyways, this new feeling of optimism has give me the excuse to do two things. One is to post that creepy picture above of a flock of birds forming a smiley face. Two is to make a post posing a question: what is the happiest ending for a live-action movie?

Honestly, I don't know. It seems like a question that really needs to be pondered for quite awhile. However, when I asked myself this question, the first thing that popped into my head was the ending for The Shawshank Redemption. I know I just posted a Speek of the Week from this movie the other week but, when I was pondering this, it seemed like the most logic thing to go with. You can watch it below.

So what do you all think? I want this to be more of an interactive post. What do you all think is the happiest ending in a live-action film? 

Also, I'm thinking of doing a new series of articles examining certain film openings and endings. So look for that in the future.


movie_fan225 said...

Define live-action film according to your opinion, and I'll try.

Wesley said...

like not animated.

Anonymous said...

Definitely agree that this is one of my top 3...but when you ask for the "happiest" ending in opinion, my mind can't stray away from RUDY. That movie's ending definitely has stayed with me. Maybe because of it's non-fictional aspect.

Preston said...

ha, thomas stole mine.. but shawshank is definitely one

Anonymous said...

Love Actually or Millions. The endings always make me smile when I think of them. Like right now.


Anonymous said...

i don't steal. you just idle.