Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Trailer Round Up

There have been some interesting looking trailers to some movies I have been anticipating that were released recently. I've decided to round them up and give my two cents on them all.

Up first is the latest trailer for Quentin Tarantino's WWII epic Inglourious Basterds. The trailer mostly follows the story of the "basterds," whom I'm told the movie does not focus on all that much (a character named Shosanna Dreyfus is actually the main character of the movie; she can be seen in small glimpses in this trailer). With that said, the movie looks like it's going to be a blast. It almost has an Ocean's Eleven feel to it in a strange way... except that it's filled with Nazi's and people who want to brutally murder them. Also, I loved the shot of the burning theater screen at the end.

However, I'm not exactly sold on the casting of Mike Myers (kind of distracting). Also, what's up with that weird punch Eli Roth delivers? 

This aside, I cannot wait for this movie. It's probably my most anticipated film of this summer.

The next trailer is for Rob Zombie's Halloween II (it appears they've ditched the H2 title and thank God because it was stupid to begin with). This trailer is a lot more focused than the last one and actually gives a hint to the structure of the story. There is a lot more of focus on the connection between Laurie and Michael instead of the whole "dead Mrs. Myers ghost visions" that filled up the last trailer. I liked this aspect a lot more than the aforementioned section of the previous trailer. Even though this movie has a huge potential to be really bad (as most people did not like Zombie's original remake to begin with), I can't help but be a little excited about it. It looks a lot more like a Rob Zombie film than his last effort at the Halloween franchise. It kind of looks like he just went crazy with this and did whatever he wanted. I feel like it will make an insane film experience (for example, what's up with that image of that kid with a rotting pumpkin on his head?). Plus, it looks like Michael's super pissed in this and is going to kill a hell of a lot of people.

So yeah, I guess I'm in.

I have been looking forward to Richard Kelly's film adaptation of The Box for some time. Based on the short story by Richard Matheson, The Box follows a suburban family pressed for cash who receive a mysterious box on their doorstep. If they press a button on the box, they will receive one million dollars but a stranger somewhere in the world will die. It's a great concept but I'm not exactly happy with the way the trailer is cut. It's sold more as a heart-stopping thriller (complete with the now over-used Saw end theme) than as the moral drama I hear that it actually is. Also, I'm a little wary of Richard Kelly these days. I was hoping that this would be his return to form after the absolute disaster that was Southland Tales but there are hints in this trailer that it may not be. Still, I hope that it is. I loved Donnie Darko from start to finish but it's getting more likely that that may have been his only good film. Also, I'm not a big fan of Cameron Diaz and I'm afraid she may hold the film down. Still, it's got some cool things going for it. Frank Langella is always awesome (and his face is looking like it's going to look terrible in this), I like the 70's retro feel and the concept is still pretty cool. Overall, I'm looking forward to this but I'm not completely sold yet.

So that ends my trailer round up. I hope you all are interested in seeing these films as well. 


Anonymous said...

Could you do a Moon trailer review? Here's the trailer. Thanks.