Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Twilight Saga: New Moon Trailer- Continuing the Suck

Okay, so here's the deal. I hate Twilight. I guess that may not be a fair statement since I've never actually sat down and read one of the books or watched the movie but I don't care. I hate this freaking series so much. I hate its fans, I hate its messages and I just hate it as an entity. 

So, with that said, one may be asking themselves: why are you posting the new trailer for the upcoming sequel New Moon. Well, I have two reasons:

1. It guarantees my site hits by Twilighter freaks, thus making it look like more people visit this place than they actually do. 
2. The trailer is absolutely hilarious in every way.

Seriously, I haven't seen a movie trailer this bad since... well, the first Twilight movie. What's so bad about it? Well, let's see:

- Emo vampires / people
- An apparently super deep paper cut that causes enough blood to leave Bella's hand that it actually drips on the floor
- Super bad effects
- A black vampire that says he's gonna eat Bella all up (this part killed me inside a little; also, why does she let him get so close to her?)
- An Indian guy without a shirt that jumps into the air, transforming into an awful looking CGI werewolf

God, I hate this movie already.


amanda leigh said...

I will admit to watching the first movie. It's nothing but emotional pornography for girls, and 13 year olds have absolutely no business reading or watching that crap. I refuse to ever read it.