Monday, January 12, 2009

Austin's Top Ten: Videogames to Movies (Part 2)

Slowly, we get closer and closer to number one, as I myself am getting more and more excited by the possibilities of these ever being made into movie. So, lets go ahead and finish up this countdown and see what did make it into the top 5.

5. Metroid

Ah Metroid, the classic alien killing game. Now, some of you may only know of the recent 3D first person shooter Metroid games, but there is in fact much much more to the series. The 3D games are decent games and somewhat fun but they in no way live up to their 2D counterparts. The 2D Games in the Metroid series are some of the best games you will ever come across. Metroid: Zero Mission sits comfortably in my top 5 games list and I doubt it will ever drop out of it, unless they make an even better 2D Metroid game in the future. Never before have I seen a game so amazingly combine action, adventure, platforming and shooting to make such a glorious piece (Only the Mega Man series can stand side by side with this series in those categories).

And, for all the reasons, this series makes amazing games. I believe it would make an amazing story. The series has an amazing story line with all the games connected so the movie could very well snag any of those plots to use. If anything, the movie should be made to follow Metroid: Zero Mission. In the Metroid series' chronological order, Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission come first (Zero Mission is just a revamped remake of the original Metroid, but with amazing graphics and much more added on story wise), so those would be a great starting point for the movie. The movie would have Samus invading the space pirates' planet in order to stop them from using the Metroid to take over the world (Metroid are essentially jellyfish looking things that suck the life out of everything). Who wouldn't want to see a movie with a bounty hunter kicking alien ass? Not only that, but if it followed Zero Mission, then you'd get to see Zero Suit Samus (her suit gets destroyed in the game so "Zero Suit" is when she runs around without it and just uses a pistol). That would add a great change to the movie; to go from a big action shooter to become an almost survival-esque movie following her as she sneaks through the Space Pirate mothership until she finally gets a new suit.

Zero Suit Samus

As for what kind of movie this would be, that would be up in the air. I would love to see it live-action but I know it would be next to impossible to pull that of without it looking relatively fake. So probably CGI would be the best bet. But as long as it looks amazing and includes the great creatures and bosses that she battles, it would be an amazing movie.

4. Mega Man

The one, the only, Mega Man. Yes kids, it's the Rockman himself. There is no telling how many hours of my childhood were spent playing his games over and over again. Never before has there been a platforming game as pure and delightful. The Blue Bomber filled my childhood with delight (and constant misery due to the difficult levels but that's part of the fun of it). Every gamer must have at least thought of the possibility of a Mega Man movie once in their life. Mega Man even had his own cartoon at one time. Mega Man has always been a fan favorite everywhere. Recently Mega Man 9 came out on both Wii and Xbox 360's shopping channels. Mega Man 9 goes by the same style as the old Nintendo games and stays true to them. It ended up selling like crazy and very well may start off a much needed retro revolution. Now is as good a time as any to give the kid his own movie.

This is my childhood...

If Mega Man was to ever get his own movie, then it would definitely have to be CGI. There's no doubt about it, live-action would just turn out terrible and not seem right. There are still many choices about what style could be used to make it though. I myself don't even know what it should look like if it was CGI. It doesn't matter what style they used though. As long as it's still true to Mega Man, then I'll see it. They could even make a movie with the original Nintendo graphics and I think it would be amazing. That would probably alienate the movie to just gamer fans but it would still be completely bad-a to see a Mega Man movie set in the style of the games we are so familiar with.

The story of the movie would be extremely simple. It would have contain all the basics: Dr. Light creates the Robot Masters to helps society in different ways. Dr. Wily gets annoyed and reprograms them to help him take over. Dr. Light converts his robotic lab assistant into a fighting robot (Mega Man) to go destroy Wily and the Robot Masters. Mega Man defeats everyone and saves the day, though Wily manages to escape. Very plain and simple, but that's all that is needed to make a classic.

3. Metal Gear Solid

Now, a good big of people hate the Metal Gear series especially as of recently. This is because it keeps incorporating more and more cutscenes and it contains such a crazy storyline. Some of his cutscenes, especially at the end of MGS 3, can last extremely long times. There was one point in time with about 2 hours of cutscenes with small slipets of gameplay in there. But you guys should know how I am by now. I freaking love that stuff. The crazier the characters and the more confusing the storyline gets, the more I love it. Not only that, but Solid Snake (the main protagonist) is the most bad-a character you will ever come across. He is a one man army. He can sneak into anywhere and destroy any giant machine or people threatening the world.

Hideo Kojima, the creater of the series, has become more and more involved with telling stories throughout his game, to the point where people call the games "interactive movies". So why not just give in and let Kojima go ahead and make a movie. He basically already has; he just threw some gametime inbetween each of the cutscenes.

If there was a movie, then I believe it would definitely follow the first Metal Gear Solid game. There is no way to skip to the other games without confusing the audience completely, so he has to start there. As for what type of movie it would be, I'm not too sure. It could carefully be pulled off as a live-action. But truthfuly, I think it would be better as a CGI movie. That and I'm sure Kojima would do such so he could control every aspect of it. It would also have to be a tad long, nearing 3 hours even.

But, if you have ever played a Metal Gear game, you know how immensly epic they are and how story driven they tend to be. All of which are great aspects of movies. So listen up Kojima and go do what you've always wanted to. Make us an amazing movie.

2. Resident Evil

Paul Anderson can suck it. You best hope you never run into me in real life. I will crack your own foot off in your own a-hole. The Resident Evil series has always been amazing and RE 2 sits in my top 5 favorite games. This is the iconic zombie series; this is how zombies should be done. And there's not only just zombies either. There are a number of experiments made by the Umbrella Corporation that inhabit the games. This is the top of all survival horror games ever made. The games were so great that they made a movie series after them...yeah...f**kers...

Paul Anderson's Resident Evil movies...well...sucked...horribly. They weren't Resident Evil. The movie had no relationship to the games except for small bits they stole from the games. How could you mess up such an amazing series? Easy...Paul Anderson and Hollywood. Seriously, I hate both incredibly. And I'm don't feel like talking about his movie series now. I don't feel like a rant on something so terrible. That'll just bring me down to its level.

I want the Gamecube's Resident Evil remake to be made into a movie. It's absolutely perfect for one. A cop force (S.T.A.R.S.) investigate weird activity coming from the woods and end up at a mansion that seems to be where everything is emanating from. They are trapped there and must figure out a way to escape, while also discovering why everything is happening. Also, they have the most bad-a character of all time in the game, Albert Wesker. I'm not going to talk much more about him, but just trust me, he kicks ass.

Don't f**k with the Wesker...

It could be live-action, but after seeing what Anderson did, I want it purely CGI and handled directly by Capcom so nothing can get screwed up. I mean just look at Resident Evil: Degeneration. They made that movie and had characters from the game in it and it looks great. I have yet too see it because I haven't seen it in a store yet (Starkville needs a Best Buy) but I bet it is amazing. Just look at the opening to the remake of the original on Gamecube and see how much potential a movie could have:

1. The Legend of Zelda

If you have never experienced a Zelda game, then you're just straight up screwed. Usually, if a person hasn't played a game from some amazing series, I just get annoyed or angry at them and threaten them into playing one or just threaten them in general for being themselves. But if you haven't played or watched someone play a Zelda game ever... well... then it's just too late for you. I'm truthfully sorry for you but you just can't make it up now. Your life is destroyed from living all this time without experiencing the glory of the Triforce. You will forever live a truly boring and mundane life, working in a cubical, making decent money and talking to other boring people in other boring cubicals. Gameover. This is the one time I truly can't help you. I am a miracle working revolutionary working for the greater good of my brethren but that... that I can't fix. Now, back off before you infect me or someone else with your... normality... ugh... makes me shudder just thinking about that lifeless world you live in.

Now, for all you kids who have experienced the true orgasm that is a Zelda game, you should know all the basics. Every game is a reincarnation of the same world but all the same rules apply. You play as Link, who is a fated hero who gains the Master Sword, and who kicks all kinds of ass. You go to rescue Zelda who is a princess, though not as clueless or useless as other stereotypical princesses. And the enemy is Ganon/Ganondorf, who is... well... evil. It's all pretty simple on the surface but there is all kinds of plot hidden in the stories that reveals itself to you as you play. Like how the world was created by three goddesses and how they created the Triforce which could be used to fulfill wishes. All the games have amazing stories, characters, and lands.

I feel almost like I don't need to explain why this is my number one choice for a game to be made into a movie. If you play any of the games, you'll clearly see why they should have a movie. The absolute main reason why I thought of this to be a movie though is because of an April Fool's joke. Some of you may of heard about it last year, but for those who haven't, I'll catch you up to speed. Basically IGN a gaming website made a fake trailer for a Legend of Zelda movie and released it. People immediately knew it was an April Fool's joke though because of the date and the fact that there was no way a Zelda movie could have been so well hidden. But still, the trailer was amazing. I didn't care if it was fake, it was truly beautiful and made me hope for someone to actually go and make the movie. You guys see this amazing fake trailer for yourselves and see why a movie must be made:

Well, that raps up my top ten list. Hopefully, someone out there was listening and maybe one day we will have a truly great video game movie for all to enjoy. Until that time kids, keep on reading and hoping, and maybe your brethren at YDKS can use your support to change this boat around and head towards the calm waters of good movies.


Wesley said...

I would like to see all of these. I really think Mega Man has a lot of potential. However, I do believe that it can be pulled off with live action. I can't exactly explain how but trust me, it makes sense in my mind.

I would also love to see Resident Evil finally done right but I don't think that will ever happen unfortunately. Oh well... Also, I heard Degeneration wasn't good at all. I wish it was but, as it turns out, an all CGI movie doesn't exactly equal quality.

I agree with Zelda. That fake movie trailer is very impressive... I remember seeing it about a year ago.

Michelangelo-Sama said...

This is where im going to have to disagree with you Wes. I have been playing Mega Man games way longer than you guys have lol no disrespect. I have a vast knowledge of this character and have played every game that has been released. I even own Rockman the Complete Works artbook. The only way for Mega Man to work would be in animation. Look at the new Astroboy and you will see what im talking about. Just like Transformers some things should never leave the realms of the Animation World. You can add to that list Inspector Gadget and Underdog, oh the horror.

I do agree that all of the live action Resident Evil movies were craptastic. The CGI movie wasn't bad if you take it from the point of view of the Gamer. It was way better than the live action movies. Thank God that Castlevania was canceled Paul Anderson would have ruined it as bad as he did Resident Evil.

Metal Gear is in the works with Kojima behind the project. He announced this in 2008.

All of these games would make great movies if they were kept in the realm of the Animation World because in animation anything is possible. I stick behind my statement that some things should never be made into a live action movie.