Friday, January 30, 2009

New Updates Coming Soon

Hey guys.

I just wanted to let you all know that I am planning on getting some more updates on the site soon. We are usually good about getting ones up everyday (or at least every other day) but this week has been pretty busy for all of us.

Just today I've been holed up in my Basic Design room working on a Batman bust that I've been building for the past few weeks. I've been in there for hours on end, cutting up comic books and gluing small pieces of paper to the plaster of the bust. It has been very meticulous and somewhat maddening. I didn't finish but I came close. Most of my week has been that way. If it's not working on art stuff, it's social stuff or the fact that I'm getting my new screenplay written (finally). 

Anyways, you guys haven't missed much. Nothing is going on in the film world this week. The only slightly interesting news was that Mickey Rourke was rumored to be participating in Wrestlemania 25 in a match with Chris Jericho. Well, it turns out that that is not true. So, in a nutshell, nothing slightly interesting has happened this week.

Still, I'm going to get things back to normal here this weekend. I'm going to see Milk tomorrow night and I will have a review up shortly. I'm still planning on making a Best of 2008 List but I'd still like to see a few more movies. My local theater has finally started to get some Oscar contenders (not that the Oscars mean anything to me anymore) and I'm going to try and see them before making the list.

But yeah, I've just had a lot going on this week, guys. I'll try to do better. That and Jason and Austin aren't really helping me out much either. But I'm trying. 

I'm exhausted and kind of delirious. Goodnight. Check for more updates soon.