Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pixar's Consistency Reiterated with New Up Footage

/Film has posted a YouTube video featurette of Pixar's new film, Up. The minute and a half long clip, hosted by director Pete Doctor (Monster's Inc.), features some new footage of Carl, 78 years old, and Russel, 8 years old, as they adventure together throughout the world in Carl's flying house.

Up definitely looks to be one of the most interesting (and, skeptical) releases for the studio so far. Personally, I am more interested to see how long Pixar's golden run can last. But, early word is saying that Up will now stretch that run to an unparalleled feat of 10 successful feature films.

I got to thinking about Pixar's consistency a little more, and I realized how much I actually need that. I cannot imagine a world where there is a bad Pixar movie. Every year, I just know that when I sit down to watch the studio's new effort, I am going to be blown away by something their crew has done. And, this has now been habit now for close to 14 years.

The fact of the matter is that we all need Pixar to succeed. Their movies show that the art of great filmmaking has yet to die. Sure, we get all the great movies of the year from every studio in limited theater runs through December. But, Pixar is able to masterfully tell their stories and make them pleasing to mainstream audiences of all ages and demographics. The fact that the movies are animated doesn't lend itself to Pixar's success. Rather, it makes that success all the more praiseworthy.

Up continues the trend in theaters May 29, 2009!

Sources: /Film via The Disney Blog