Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Watchmen Website Gets Major Updates

After getting a settlement on their law suit with Fox last week, Warner Bros. did a pretty big update on their WatchmenMovie website. They added video footage (some of which has not been released before) for each character, sample of Tyler Bates' film score and dialogue for each character. 

Most people have been pretty pleased with Bates' score samples. I really like what I hear so far. I have to admit- it's pretty strange to hear that electric guitar on what I assume is Dr. Manhattan's theme (I think he also uses it on Silk Spectre II's theme as well). I like that the music on Rorschach's page is very creepy and scary. It kind of reminds me of some of the music that Bates did on Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects and Halloween. My only hope is that the rest of the score has more of a film noir feel, especially for the first half of the film when Rorschach is heavy into his investigations on the murder of the Comedian.

For me, the best part of this update was finally hear Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach do his opening monolgue / diary entry from page 1 of the graphic novel. It was also nice to finally hear him say "all the whores and politicans will look up" as opposed to "the world will look up" as they've been having him say in the trailers. I was starting to get worried that they had neutered that line. I also like some of the new footage they've added in Dr. Manhattan's page. That shot of him coming over the valley in Vietnam and the looks on the Vietcong's faces is pretty beautiful. 

Anyways, if you want to see new footage, score samples and new dialogue, head over to now.

And, if you didn't realize it, Watchmen comes out in less than a month and a half. Get ready.