Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Last House on the Left Remake Actually Looks Good?

The trailer for the Rogue Pictures remake of The Last House on the Left was released a couple of days ago but I didn't bother to watch it. After all, it was just another remake of a "classic" horror movie (this may be debatable; I know a lot of people despise this movie) in a sea of countless, soulless remakes of classic horror films. 

However, after I read that the trailer was pretty well-done, I decided to break down and give it a shot. I have to say- it looks pretty good.

First, let me say this: I've never seen the original The Last House on the Left. I've seen a few clips from it but that is about it. From what I've seen in those clips, it doesn't look like a movie I'd ever want to see all the way through. I've sat through some pretty messed up movies in my time. However, this one kind of came off almost as a snuff film. I can take a lot of stuff but I'm not sure if I can (or want) to sit through that. I mean, this is the movie that featured a woman biting off another man's penis (along with lots of scenes of brutal rape and murder). I dunno, maybe I'll give it a shot. But, from what I've seen, it kind of looks like trash cinema.

Despite my feelings on the little bit I saw of the original film, I was still kind of against a remake because what's the point. I'm so sick of remakes that it's not even funny. However, after watching that trailer, I kind of feel like it may be one of the few worthy remakes.

Here's a couple random thoughts I've had after watching the trailer on why this movie could be good / what I like about the trailer:

- Tony Goldwyn, the bad guy from movies like Ghost and The Last Samurai, is playing the dad. I love this guy. He definitely adds a lot of credibility to the film. It will be interesting to see him play a good guy for once. 
- Like all modern horror movie remakes, this looks like it has some really nice cinematography. However, it's not green or blue hue heavy like a lot of the others. It feels stylized but not overly so. This is important to keep a heavy feeling of reality in the film.
- It appears that the film will keep the intensity and reality of the original film but may not go as far with the violence (at least in terms to the two girls; the revenge part looks pretty gory... but probably won't have any penis biting). I'm okay with that. You don't have to show everything. There are ways to make things horrifying without being exploitive and explicit about it. However, I could be wrong about how the film portrays all of this. This is just an assumption.
- I really like the cover of "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Taken by Trees and how it is cut into the trailer. I usually hate covers but I like this one for some reason. It really goes with the violent images surprisingly well despite its calm nature. It makes it all kind of creepy.
- They put a guy's head in a microwave at the end of the trailer. That's pretty insane. I think I'm sold.

I guess the only downside to this trailer is that it gives a lot of the movie away, including the unusual twist that the original film had of having the parents enact revenge on the sadistic killers (something that showed that they could be just as sadistic, if not more). Despite the fact that a lot of things are given away, I still feel like it was an effective trailer. I feel like I've seen most of the movie and yet, for some reason, I still wanna see the thing.

I could be wrong about all of this. This could just be another pointless, gore-filled horror remake. But I'm really hoping that this one turns out good. I feel like it has potential. 

Check out the trailer at the top of the article.


Austin said...

I saw the preview on the big screen last night, I think it looks interesting. It didn't really seem like a movie trailer as much as it seemed like a 2-3 minute summary of the entire movie. It may as well be so since you basically know everything that's gonna happen after seeing it. Nonetheless, I think I may see it if I'm in a good mood when it comes out.