Monday, June 23, 2008

The Angry Video Game Nerd Reviews TMNT 3

For about a year now, I've been a big fan of the Angry Video Game Nerd. His reviews and observations on bad video games (mostly from the original Nintendo era) are classic and hilarious. The first review of his I saw was for the Friday the 13th video game for the original NES. Being an owner of the game myself, I was more than happy to see someone else frustrated by its horrible graphics, lack of direction, and just plain awfulness. He basically picked out everything I hated about that game and more. Plus, I really enjoyed his live action bits that parodied the infamous slasher series.

Although the Angry Video Game Nerd (real name James Rolfe) traditionally just reviews games, he did do a special two part review for the film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III. Rolfe is not only a big movie buff, but he is an independent filmmaker himself, mostly focusing on the genre of horror. Like most people, one of his favorite film series as a child was that of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And, like everyone else, he was vastly disappointed by the lackluster third film.

I can distinctly remember going to this film in the theater with my friend Ken and just hating it, even as a child. I would rant about it here but... well, the Angry Video Game Nerd covers every complaint I could ever have. My favorite part of the video is when he counts down the worst lines of the dialogue in the film... the Adams Family quote still kills me. Man, what an awful movie.

*Warning: These videos are NSFW due to foul language*

Part 1 of The Angry Video Nerd Reviews TMNT 3:

Part 2 of the Angry Video Game Nerd Reviews TMNT 3:

And as a bonus, I decided to throw in the AVGN's review of Friday the 13th for the NES. It's still my favorite review that he's done. My favorite line: "You gotta get the knife... it's mandatory."

Hope you guys enjoy these.


movie_fan225 said...

This guy has to be the best video game reviewer ever. At least the funniest and most foul-mouthed.