Wednesday, June 25, 2008

YDKS Is Under Construction

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you, the awesome and loyal readers of YDKS Movies, know that we are currently revamping and designing the site / blog and, because of this, we have been having various problems and bugs occuring. This past Sunday and Monday, our banner was down and then stretched. We finally managed to get it fixed last night. We have also been having trouble with embedding videos. The videos have been duplicating and then disappearing altogether for both my Batman post and the Angry Video Game Nerd post. I am currently working on fixing that problem. 

In the next few days as we try to make the site a better and more interactive environment, problems such as these may reoccur. Please be patient with us and let us know via the comment section if you are having trouble viewing our content. We are doing our best to make everything better and fixing all the problems as fast as we can. 

Also, I would like to point out that we now have a feature, thanks to Jason, where you can subscribe to YDKS Movies and get an update whenever we decide to put down another one of our awesome posts. I'd advise you to do so if you are a fan of the site or just the causal reader. There have also been some more subtle changes to the site over the past few days such as our banner being re-edited to look nicer, the removal of the Blogger header, and many other things. When we are done, this place is going to be just how we first imagined it when we came up with the idea for YDKS Movies so many months ago. It's been a lot of work and a long time coming, but this place is just about how I imagined it being when we first envisioned this site. Also, I'm proud to say that we have more readers to the site right now than we've ever had before. I hope to see the readership continue to rise as we continue to update and put forth our vision of what YDKS is all about.

Lastly, I'd like to say that starting tomorrow and going through Saturday, I will be going on vacation in Florida. However, I have decided to take my Macbook with me in order to update this place when I have the chance. Still, if updates are slower than usual, I'm sorry. I'm on vacation. I need a break too sometimes.

Hope you guys like all the changes coming and please be patient with all the technical difficulties that have being coming up lately. Oh, and thanks for reading. We love you.


Austin said...

Sadly this also means no new artwork until after the vacation. Once I get back I'll start up photoshop and get to work on a new fleet of banners for the site.

Jason said...

Austin, first of all, let me just say that I am a big fan of your work. I am forever grateful for your contributions to making mine and Wesley's dreams come true. Second, I hope you realize that you are in for the long haul. If this happens, you are coming along and there is no way out. Have fun on vacation. But when you get back, party city comes second to banner making duty!

Merah's quest for happiness said...

Hey guys!

Glad to see things are shaping up nicely for you. I'm happy to suffer though the growing pains; I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end.

movie_fan225 said...

Kick ass. I look forward to the site getting even better. Good work, guys.