Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tony Jaa's Ong Bak 2 Just Did A Flying Knee Kick To My Heart!

Today is just going to be a video day I suppose. But this is too good to pass up. Twitch has released the Cannes Film Festival promo reel of Tony Jaa's Ong Bak 2, his directorial debut.

AintItCool says this:

For those who've yet to be exposed to Jaa's bone crunching gloriousness, Jaa is a Thai action God known for performing all of his action/stunts in real time with with no wire support, no CGI enhancement, no technical whizbangery. What you see is what you get...and he can be pretty extreme.

I saw Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (U.S. title) and thought it was OK and actually laughable in most places. Put it this way; it was fun in a really bad way. But the action scenes were really outstanding and every scene is replayed about 5 times. Its just like watching the Superbowl, only with Thai people and face kicks. Upon further review, I believe the only connection between this movie and the first is Tony Jaa and the title.

I went to Thailand last summer. Unfortunately, instead of getting to see Tony Jaa, I got to see the Queen's Mother's house.


movie_fan225 said...

Wow. That looks really intense. I wanna see that.