Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just In case the Happening Wasn't Enough For You This Weekend...

M. Night Shamalamadingdong in an interview with Comingsoon.net, talks about his new movie project: A live-action feature based off of Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender.

In the article, M. Night talks about hurdles of filming family friendly entertainment, and how he plans to shoot Airbender live-action.

"It will be tough to keep it PG from PG-13," he said about doing a PG family film. "It will be tricky. I don't know how to make a PG movie so that's going to be much harder, because with R, everything was no problem."

When asked about the martial arts from the cartoon and how he planned on handling the action, he responded, "The great thing about it is it's almost like they don't ever really touch each other based in this world. They kind of do a form of manifesting something and then it comes at the other person and they manifest something. It'll be great to do it as extensions of what the characters are feeling, and there'll be much more CG."

The exclusive interview has yet to be posted in its entirety, and M. Night's Airbender (Working Title), is slated for a July 2, 2010 release.

I like M. Night's work. I think the Sixth Sense was a really great effort that can hold 2 or 3 repeat viewings with different groups. But I also think Unbreakable is incredibly awesome and his best movie to date. Signs and the Village were also well made, but I think his twist endings got in the way and forced him to make some lazy and flawed decisions. We will not even talk about Lady in the Water. Also, M. Night has been known to be a pompous jerk, and his arrogant reputation is now something of legend (The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan?). I don't know what to expect with the Happening, and I am not really interested in the Airbender property at all.

All this to say, that anything M. Night does nowadays should be on a wait and see basis.


Wesley said...

Jason you cannot work for YDKS and admit to liking M. Night's work. The guy is an arrogant prick and a hack of a filmmaker. I also like how he acts like he's been making R-rated films his entire career. Also, that second paragraph of his didn't make much sense. I guess that's just because his brain is much more developed than mine. That must be it. I will not be seeing the Happening or the Last Airbender.

Jason said...

Look, the only reason I will watch the Happening is for the SlashFilm Cast. That is it. Unbreakable is awesome. But that is about all I like. He is arrogant, but he has made some really good choices in most of his movies.

movie_fan225 said...

I'm gonna hafta sit on the fence on this one. I used to enjoy some of his movies (Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Village), but in the past few years, he's really left a bad taste in my mouth. He's like the Saw movies.. good at first, but they've become way too hyped and predictable. And annoying. Really really annoying. I will, however, be doing something much more important than seeing this movie. Like sleeping or eating a bowl of cereal. Or watching a movie that's actually good.