Sunday, June 8, 2008

Coming This Week From YDKS

I haven't been able to get on the computer today until this moment so tonight's post is going to be short and sweet. Basically, I'm just going to give you an overview of what to expect from YDKS in the next week. 

First off, I hope you guys like the new banner. It was something that my brother made for us (he also made the last one) late the other night. As you can see, Caleb has been taken off. The guy has only made two posts so I figured it was time to at least take his image off our banner. Eventually, he will be taken off the home-page logo and three-headed logo Jason made for the blog itself. There's no hard feelings but if he is not even going to make an effort to post while I'm working hard to get a post up per day, I don't think he should share the banner or logos anymore. So, it's just Jason and I running the place for the time being. 

While I'm not sure what Jason has in store for you guys this week, I myself have a few different articles planned. I have been eluding to a so called "epic post" for awhile now and I'm going to try and get Part 1 of that (yes, I'm going to have to split the thing into two pieces) up either tomorrow or Tuesday. I haven't begun writing the article but I've been planning it out for the past week or so. It's nothing too original but I think it will be fun to compile and will be a good read. A lot of video clips are involved so be sure to set aside some extra time to not only read the article but watch all the stuff I've been gathering together. I won't post Part 2 of the article until later this week- most likely the weekend. I'm also planning to try and write another "Wesley Recommends." I haven't decided what film I'm going to write about this week but I have a few ideas I've been kicking around. I'm also planning a rant on a video game series that I feel deserves a proper film treatment and a second chance at big screen glory (and for anyone that knows me closely, this video game series should be easy to figure out).

Last but not least, I plan on getting a review of The Incredible Hulk up by Sunday hopefully. I've been getting excited about the film over the past few days, especially after reading some very positive early reviews. The film sounds like it's going to be a complete blast and everything everyone's always wanted from a Hulk film. Also, I've heard that, like Iron Man, Marvel is incorporating some of their other comic book characters into the film, so be on watch for that (in other words... stay after the credits). I'm pretty pumped. I'm going to see the movie on Friday but my review probably won't be up until Sunday due to me having work on Saturday.

That's another thing. While I have a lot of articles and ideas that I want to tackle this week, I am starting my job again on Wednesday. While I'm only working part-time, I'm not exactly sure how it will effect my time on writing for YDKS. So if I don't get an article up everyday, that's probably why. However, I'm going to try and have one up at least every other day.

I hope you guys are looking forward to this coming week on YDKS and the movie world in general. Make sure to go and see The Incredible Hulk this Friday for what looks like a fun time. And if you're dying for a good laugh, go see M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening. The thing looks so bad that it's hilarious. In fact, from what early reviews I've read, it is. 

Please feel free to give me (or Jason for that matter) feedback on the site, what you guys want to see, the new banner, our direction, etc. I know there are actually a good number of people that look at this place from time to time. Please feel free to drop a comment. I'd appreciate it and would like to know what you think of the material being covered here.

Hope you guys enjoy this week's articles. 


movie_fan225 said...

I look forward to that Hulk post. I haven't had time to read anything about it, but i read this thing almost everyday.
Also, what can you guys do to increase the site's popularity and get more posts? I enjoy the site immensely, and would like to not be the only person who comments. That's my question for you guys.

Wesley said...

Despite you being one of our few commenters, there are actually quite a few people that look at this place- they just don't comment. We do appreciate your willingness to comment though. It makes us look good.