Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Updates and Join Us for Dark Knight Week!

Hey guys, I just got to Florida and what's the first thing I decide to do? Get on YDKS Movies of course! Seriously, I have no life. My nerdiness and obsession with this site has become unhealthy and seriously lame. I'm in Florida and I'm sitting in my grandparent's condo by the beach on my Macbook Pro on my movie website that I update everyday without pay. I'm insane, I really am. I need to get outside, get into the sand, look out at the ocean, and live life. What have I been doing guys? Spending all this time watching movies! Movies! I wrote a freaking eight page review of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull! What the hell am I doing?

Oh wait, what am I saying? I hate sand. I hate the beach. The sun is evil. The last time I was in the sun I got third degree burns. I looked about as bad as Two-Face is probably going to look in about three weeks time. How could I even doubt myself and this place? This is where it's at. Screw the beach, sand, sun, girls, and all that jazz. Give me a good flick and a Mountain Dew and I'm happy.

Anyways, I'm getting off-topic. I wanted to put this post down to kind of add to the "YDKS Under Construction" post that I put up last night. Along with the updates I listed on that post, I am also happy to add that Jason has put YDKS Movies on Twitter. So yeah, we're definitely hip now. So, if you're into that scene, feel free to follow us on Twitter. Personally, I'm still not sure what all this "joining" and "subscribing" is all about. But I guess I'm just not into the Internet scene that well yet. I'd also like to say that, in the next week or so, YDKS is finally starting it's Revolution campaign on Facebook. Jason and I have been looking forward to the Facebook campaign for awhile now and we feel that it will be a good way to gain new readership along with connect some of our regular readers.

Speaking of the YDKS Revolution, Austin, the official artist and poster designing master of YDKS, has his own blog now dedicated to the cause of our revolution. What is the cause of our revolution? Well, it's pretty complicated to say. Just to say to rid the world of ignorance and crappy film taste would be an understatement. Over the next few weeks, the truths behind our revolution should be more obvious to everyone. Be sure to look for all that. You can check out Austin's blog here. It's just as random and cryptic as Austin is. 

Lastly, I'm happy to say that the week of July 14th-20th is officially Dark Knight Week here on YDKS Movies! We have a few surprises planned for the week of the release of what's sure to be the greatest comic book film ever made, including a completely new site design, countdown lists, and many other things. And in case my post about The Dark Knight yesterday didn't get you excited, I read some new things today that have me absolutely about to burst. Not only does Christopher Nolan compare the character of the Joker to the shark in Jaws, but an extremely positive early review is comparing the film to Heat and The Godfather Part II. Yeah, I'm basically in nerd heaven. Girls are overrated.

Hope you guys enjoy all the upcoming updates for the site. I'll do me best to maybe go outside in the next fews days, possibly get some sand between my toes, and.... gasp... socialize. 


Jason said...

I can't wait to get back to fully contributing full time again. Next Week is going to be a big week for us and I think that starting the revolution around The Dark Knight is definitely going to be successful!