Saturday, June 28, 2008

Teaser Poster for Dark Knight Week

Click to enlarge.

Just another friendly reminder to check out YDKS on July 14th-20th for Dark Knight Week. Jason and I have a lot planned for this particular week, including a lot of Batman related goodies. It's really going to be a lot of fun to put together. Yeah, it's still two weeks away but time seems to fly by these days. So be ready for it. 

As per usual, the artwork is done by my brother Austin. He's planning a pretty big poster for Dark Knight Week but, like he always seems to be, he got bored and decided to churn this "teaser" out pretty fast. Yeah, we've only been home from the beach for a few hours and already he's gotten bored and designed another poster. I'm not sure what he's planning for the "theatrical" poster for Dark Knight Week but I do know that it will be pretty epic. After all, he's got two weeks to work on it.

So be sure to stay tuned not only for Dark Knight Week in two weeks but for a very important week starting this Monday. Not only is it the full-time, official return of Jason to YDKS, but it is the start of the YDKS Revolution campaign on Facebook. Here's hoping for the best. 


movie_fan225 said...

Nice poster. Very Batman Forever-esque. Also, I am eagerly awaiting both the return of Jason as well as Dark Knight Week. Both will be sweet goodness to my soul.