Monday, June 9, 2008

Valkyrie Trailer!

Valkyrie is a WWII movie directed by Bryan Singer. It involves a secret plot by some in the Nazi regime to kill Hitler and prove to the world that the Nazi way of life is not monstrous. Valkyrie stars Tom Cruise and some others that aren't quite as crazy.

I know this movie looks like just another period piece, and not everyone has the same accent as you will see in the trailer. But Valkyrie truly looks interesting, and hopefully the negative buzz will subside as it nears its release in February 2009 (Trailer wrongly says this summer).


Wesley said...

Despite all the early bad buzz for this film and the whole Germany / scientology controversy, I still think this will be a pretty good thriller. After all, Bryan Singer is directing and, despite his rumored on-set sexual activities (if you don't know what I'm talking about, you really don't want to know), the guy can make a pretty damn good movie if he wants to. I've heard that the film his a return to form for the man and I'm looking forward to what he's done. However, I'm still not sure how I feel about Tom Cruise in the movie. He's still coming off to me as... well, Tom Cruise. I guess we'll see. Also, the film doesn't come out this summer. It comes out February 2009. So we got a while.

movie_fan225 said...

Wow i have been hearing about this film for some time, but hadn't seen the trailer until now, and I must say, I look forward to this. I agree that Tom might not have been the best choice for this, but it looks good nonetheless. Kudos on the post.

Wesley said...

Movie_fan225, where have you been, man? Haven't seen your comments lately.

movie_fan225 said...

I was in Monroe visiting some friends and going to a friend of mine's wedding this weekend. Been pretty busy, and haven't had a chance to sit at a computer. I'm back now, and that's all that matters.

Wesley said...

Good to have you back.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.