Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Trailer is Pretty

In case you guys haven't seen this yet, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button trailer is now online for you to gawk at. The film is based on the book by F. Scott Fitzgerald and follows the life of a man who is aging in reverse (from an old man to a little baby). This is the trailer that has most of the online film community geeking out because it basically plays as a beautiful short film. I particularly like the song that is used in the trailer (it is called "Aquarium from the Carnival of Animals") and all the striking visuals. I was wondering how they were going to sell this movie and I'm still not really sure how the general, mainstream public will react to this kind of trailer. I was pretty much sold though from the fact that it's a movie by David Fincher (director of Seven, Fight Club, Panic Room, and Zodiac). That's all I really want- another brilliant Fincher film. Hope you guys enjoy the trailer above.


movie_fan225 said...

This looks really interesting. Let's hope Fincher doesn't let us down.