Tuesday, June 10, 2008

YDKS Gets Mentioned in This Week's /Filmcast

As you can probably tell from a few of our articles on here, Jason and I are pretty big fans of the movie site /Film. The place always has the latest up-to-date movie news and has some pretty solid articles. Out of all the movie sites that I go to frequently, I always check /Film first. 

Anyways, /Film has started doing a live podcast on Monday nights starting at 10 PM EST / 9 PM CENT time. It's called the /Filmcast. Last night, they had their third podcast. Jason and I participated in this /Filmcast via a chatroom they have set up under the screen names Wes_YDKSmovies and Jay_YDKSmovies. While there are a lot of people that participate in the chatroom, every now and then David Chen, Adam Quigley and the others that run the /Filmcast will address questions and comments from those in the chat.

While I participated in last week's podcast as well, I didn't really get that much recognition. However, with Jason helping out this week, there were quite a few times when our comments and questions were mentioned on the air, along with our names. Most of my acknowledgments came in a conversation about director David Fincher and the validity of the twist at the end of Fight Club. At one point of the show after being somewhat heckled by Jason (and if you are somehow reading this Dave, it was just playful banter; really, we love  you), David Chen asked what YDKS stood for and we got to tell him. He then said the name of our site on the air. So, whoever was listening to the live feed would have heard it.

It's really not that big of a deal but it did feel really cool to not only get recognized for some comments but to hear YDKS get talked about on the air. It was also a pretty solid podcast and was really fun to participate in. Jason and I plan on participating each Monday night (work permitting that is) if anyone would like to join us in doing so. 

And if anyone is interested in hearing our participation in last night's podcast, it gets reposted later this week on /Film' s main page. Also, by Friday, it should be available for download on iTunes for free. Just search for "The /Filmcast" and it should come up. Be sure to download not only the main show for 6/9/08 but the Afterdark show for 6/9/08 as well. While we do get mentioned some in the main show, it is during the Afterdark when our site name is examined. Also please note that they re-edit these shows for iTunes and their main page, so some of our comments and most likely the YDKS mention could be taken out. Still, it's cool that we got to get some acknowledgments live.

So if anyone from /Film is somehow reading this, thanks for putting up with us last night and we look forward to next week. Keep up the good work.

Picture source: /Film


movie_fan225 said...

Wow that's pretty cool. YDKS is moving up in the world, as well it should be. I look forward to more and more hype added to this already (in my opinion) prestigious site. Keep up the good work, fellas.
Also, I'd love to participate in the podcast, work allowing. And if I can help or contribute in any other way, lemme know.

Wesley said...

Will do.