Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fright Night Pirate Commentary Available for Download Online

Fright Night is one of my favorite horrors films from the 1980s and pretty much of all time. It's a great throw back to gothic horror films as well as being a nice tribute to the Hammer horror films. Plus, it's very 80's, retro, funny, gory, and just really fun to watch. That and Chris Sarandon was such a bad a in that movie. 

Anyways, last week, I picked up the 20th Anniversary DVD of Child's Play and I realized that director Tom Holland was also responsible for Fright Night. It was at that point when I realized that I did not in fact own Fright Night on DVD despite it being one of my favorite horror films. I quickly put in an order at Amazon and it arrived at my house this Friday. 

I was getting ready to watch it for the first time in years last night when I found this bit of news online. A fansite called Icons Of Fright managed to get together two commentary tracks for the film with people like star Chris Sarandon, director Tom Holland, and many others. The reason for this is because Fright Night has only been given a bare bones DVD and it doesn't look like it is going to be getting a special edition any time soon unfortunately. So, instead of wait, these horror fans went out and got the cast and crew together for a pirate commentary. Pretty cool stuff. I've already listened to one of the tracks and it's pretty awesome. If you're a fan of the movie and already own the bare bones edition, go here to download the commentaries.

As for my re-watching of Fright Night last night, it was a pretty awesome experience. I'm planning on doing a review for it for the site some time soon. However, it may not be the same kind of review that you usually expect to see on the site... Let's just say I got some possibly cool stuff planned for the site for the month of October. Be sure to check around again in the next few days for an announcement of what I got coming. It could be pretty cool if all works out.