Sunday, September 21, 2008

News Wrap-Up for 9/15/08- 9/21/08

Okay, I feel a little better tonight than I was feeling earlier today so I've decided to go ahead a do a quick wrap up of movie news stories that I missed throughout this very busy and exhausting week. 

Here goes nothing.

Tobey Maguire Getting Paid $50 million for Spider-man 4 /5

Monday, news broke that Tobey Maguire was getting paid a record amount of $50 million dollars to reprise his role as Peter Parker / Spider-man in Sam Raimi's Spider-man 4 and 5, which are being shot back-to-back. If that amount wasn't insane enough, the contact also states that Maguire gets both late evenings and early mornings off for family time. So, basically, he's getting paid $50 million for part-time work. It's pretty crazy. If Spider-man 3 was good, I would be in line with saying "give Tobey anything he wants" just to keep him in the role. However, since he appeared bored as hell in the role in Spider-man 3, I can't really support this. Let's hope that money gets some motivation out of Tobey this time around.

In related news, Steve McQueen's widow called Maguire a pansy because of the amount and the clause where he gets time off for family. 

Also, how hilarious is that picture I found of Maguire above? It's just so ridiculous. Where is all that water coming from? And why does it make me so uncomfortable?

New Pictures of The Spirit

Some new pictures from Frank Miller's film version of Will Eisner's The Spirit hit the web this week and they aren't that bad. Of course, if the film is anything like the infamous Comic-Con footage from San Diego this July, it will be terrible... but we can always hope. There's nothing wrong with that. For more pictures, go here.

Speed Racer Came out on DVD 

The incredibly underrated Speed Racer came out on DVD this week and you should go pick up. What? You haven't seen it? Well, maybe that's why it did so bad at the box office.

Seriously though, you should go check it out. And make sure to have a lot of candy (and or drugs if that's your thing) with you when you watch it. I'm sure it will enhance the experience. 

(Note: I do not condone the use of drugs but, hey, if people are going to use them... they're going to use them. That and Speed Racer did really make me want to use drugs. Bad.)

Diablo Cody Rants About the Juno Backlash

Earlier this week, writer Diablo Cody addressed the Juno backlash / hate train that's been going for a while now (something I already addressed in two posts last month). Of course, she addressed it in an immature blog post on her MySpace but that doesn't mean that her anger towards the Juno backlash isn't unjustified. I'm still convinced that all the internet hate (and no, I'm not referring to the 93% of critics who gave it a positive review on Rotten Tomatoes- I'm talking about all the bashing that has occurred following that on pretty much every movie fan site / blog / forum in existence) is too focused on a couple lines of slang and is pretty much a result of massive group-think. 

On the other hand, she really did wait a really freaking long time to address the backlash (a couple of months ago would have probably been more relevant Diablo). I still don't think she's that bad though. Sure, the delayed rant was immature but she does hang out with people like Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright. So she's gotta be cool. Right? Right?

Anyways, if you wanna read what she said you can read it here.

Stephen Cow is Co-Starring in and Directing Seth Rogen's The Green Hornet

I've been very wary of Seth Rogen's adaptation of The Green Hornet for a while because, let's face it, Rogen is no Green Hornet. However, the news that Stephen Chow is not only taking the role of Kato (which was played by martial arts legend and my own personal hero Bruce Lee in the original television series) but directing the film gets my hopes way up. For those living under a rock, Chow is the writer and director of such films as Shaolin Soccer, Kung Fu Hustle, and CJ7. The man is huge over in Asia and his film Kung Fu Hustle actually made some decent money (and got some great reviews) over here. The Green Hornet will be Chow's English directorial debut. I think he is a great choice as he will be able to not only bring out a great sense of comedy (which is obviously going to be evident with Rogen's involvement) but will also be able to create some truly epic action sequences. 

I'm excited about this choice.

Shyamalan is Still Thinking about Making an Unbreakable 2

I really hope he doesn't though. As great as Unbreakable was, I'm convinced that Shyamalan is a complete hack of a filmmaker these days and I'm pretty sure he would ruin everything that was great about that film if he made a sequel today. So here's hoping he just lets it go. It's for the best. Really, it is.

Well, that's all the movie related news that I found interesting from this past week. Hopefully, I will be able to post more often in the upcoming week (though a do have a few tests looming on the horizon...) Hope you all have enjoyed the wrap up. 

Source: /Film, Filmdrunk


Jason said...

Great wrap up man! Sorry I haven't commented on your recent posts, or called you back lately. I will do that soon though, I promise. Glad you are feeling better man. Take it easy. Though I cannot promise I will be able to pick up the slack any time soon here on the site. But you are doing a great job.

Wesley said...

Thanks for the comment. Good to see that people are still in fact reading this thing. Hope you can come back to posting sooner rather than later.