Monday, September 1, 2008

Speech of the Week #6

Hey guys, welcome to a new column here on YDKS Movies entitled Speech of the Week! For now on, every Monday I will post a new scene from a movie that features a speech of some sort being given. After all, there are a lot of famous scenes in film where characters give an influential speech of some sort. Then again, there are also a lot of scenes where characters give a speech and it just comes off cheesy and lame. In this section, you will see both kinds. That's right, people, I'm giving you the good and bad of film speeches all wrapped up in one great big package. I hope you all enjoy.

Dumb and Dumber is my favorite comedy of all time. When I was just a wee child, my father took me to the theater to see this thing in it's full glory. He had seen the movie just a week earlier and had laughed so hard that he actually wet his pants. No... I'm serious, he urinated on himself from laughing (you'd just have to know my dad). Anyways, while I didn't have the same problem, I remember laughing so hard that I was in pain by the end of the film. To this day, it is still my favorite comedy and, honestly, I don't think it will ever get old.

So, when I was trying to think up a Speech of the Week a few minutes ago, I thought of Dumb and Dumber and the classic "Our Pets Heads Are Falling Off" speech from the beginning of movie. There are so many great lines in this speech. Of course, there's the classic, "We've got no food, no jobs... our pets heads are falling off!" line that gets me every time but there's some other great stuff in there as well. Plus, I like how it gets semi-serious at the end, only to have Jeff Daniels go "Okay, that's enough" during the middle of Carrey's crying moment. Great stuff. Really, this movie and this speech will never get old in my eyes. 

I hope you guys enjoyed that as much as I did. 


Jason said...

Gross story. Awesome speech!

Anonymous said...

I wrote a paper my freshman year for English Comp 1 on the scene where they stop for gas and Lloyd goes to there bathroom and Sea Bass walks in. That paper was the only √+ my teacher gave that semester and only the second one she had given in the two years she had taught.