Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Wish Choke Wasn't Getting a Limited Release This Friday

It's been nothing but really slow movie news for the past two days (unless the idea of a more action-oriented and graphic novel-influenced remake of Moby Dick interests you) so I've just decided to go with this non-news story: Choke comes out this week and I'm not going to get to see it.

Yes, despite a commercial for the film being played on Comedy Central every two minutes, Choke is getting a mostly limited release this Friday. If you live somewhere near a big city like New York or Los Angeles, then you're set. However, if you live in central Mississippi like me, you pretty much out of luck.

It's really frustrating because most of the movies that I really want to see end up getting limited releases. Last year, it was There Will Be Blood and Juno. Yeah, eventually we got them (years ago we would never have gotten them; ever since gaining a Malco we've gotten better at eventually getting smaller films). So, if all goes well, we will eventually get Choke here. There's just no telling when that will be is all. It can be really frustrating at times. We'll get multiple screens of Terry Perry's latest crapfest but not one of something like Choke, which is guaranteed to be a thousand times better.

And isn't Choke a pretty marketable film? Everyone and their sister saw Fight Club and all of the advertisements say that this is the next film from the same writer. And, from what I can remember (it's been a while since I read the novel), Choke is pretty hilarious (though it is pretty messed up). They could basically sell it as a sex comedy with adults and probably get a big turn out.

Anyways, I was really looking forward to seeing this on the big screen and hopefully, that will still be able to happen in a couple of weeks. I'm just kind of upset that I'm going to have to wait longer. If you live around New York or another big city, consider yourself lucky that you don't have the same limited release problems that I always have. And go and watch Choke and make it all kinds of money so I don't have to wait long for it to eventually get here. I'm ready to see it.

For good measure, I've included the red band trailer for the film below. Since it's red band, it's extremely NSFW. You have been warned.

Really, I tried.


Big Mike Mendez said...

Well, a limited release just means that they have plans to go wider in a week or so. It's when a film only opens in NY/LA when you got a slim chance of seeing it.

Unless you live near LA. Which I do.

Wesley said...

From experience, it just usually takes a while for the movie to eventually get here when it starts at a limited release. There have been times when it doesn't get here it all. It can be frustrating.

As for you living near LA, consider yourself very lucky.

Jason said...

Mississippi Sucks!

Fletch said...

"And isn't Choke a pretty marketable film? Everyone and their sister saw Fight Club"

Um, no. First, an uber-raunchy film based on a book that few have read is not really all that marketable, despite the popularity of Fight Club, which, incidentally, didn't make all that much in its theatrical run, which was a wide release (if I recall correctly).

By comparison, FC was about 1000x more marketable, what with much bigger name stars and a much much bigger name director. Oh, and it was tame by comparison, content-wise.

I'm not sure how wide a release Choke will end up getting anyhow. Content aside, the early reviews I've seen aren't all that great. Doesn't bode well...

Lucky for me, I'm in Phoenix, and will no doubt be seeing it this weekend. Sorry. Move?