Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Zack and Miri Make a Porno Red Band Trailer Released

The very NSFW red band trailer for Kevin Smith's latest comedy Zack and Miri Make a Porno hit the web last night and so far the response seems to very positive from Kevin Smith supporters and haters alike. I have to say that I enjoyed the trailer and I'm looking forward to seeing the movie when it comes out this October with friends like our guest writer Zach and his roommate Daniel (yeah, that's right Daniel, you got mentioned). 

Caleb always gives me crap for this, but I've been a Kevin Smith fan for years now. I know his comedies are pretty low-brow at times (and nothing compared to the genius and often well-thought out comedy that Judd Apatow and his crew have been giving us for a few years now) but I can't help but really identify with and love them. Clerks was one of those movies that, while being very foul and dirty, spoke to me on a level of being at a level of being a point in one's life where it doesn't seem like you can really go anywhere (basically right after graduating from high school) and showed me that you don't really need a big budget to make movies yourself. Mallrats was ridiculously silly but, in the end, I couldn't help but enjoy it and its overall geekiness. I'm still in the firm belief that Chasing Amy is one of Smith's best films. It was funny, painful, and very truthful when it came to someone's past coming into a relationship. I enjoyed Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back as well, though they are definitely my least favorites in the series.

I never saw Jersey Girl and I don't have any interest to do so.

With Clerks II, Smith showed me that he could still make a film in the View Askew Universe that was funny but still had the same seriousness and emotional pull that Clerks and Chasing Amy did. 

Now, with Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Smith is once again venturing out of his View Askew Universe (something that didn't fly too well the first time with Jersey Girl). Unlike Jersey Girl, this movie looks more like something that is up Smith's alley. Although I am sad to see Smith put the whole View Askew Universe aside again (I just really like that a director has created his own little world where characters from all his films are interconnected in some way), I guess it is time for him to move on and see what he can create outside of that world. Plus, I guess it will be nice to get away from Jay and Silent Bob for a while (honestly, it's pretty amazing that they have lasted so long as characters considering that they don't really do anything other than stand in front of  buildings and get high). 

As for the trailer itself, I'm liking what I see so far. Sure, it seems very foul and as perverted as a movie entitled Zack and Miri Make a Porno would be but it also seems very funny as well. It should be interesting to see how Seth Rogen in a Kevin Smith film works out. After watching the trailer, I have to say that I'm already loving Craig Robinson's (Darrel in The Office) role. That scene with him and the girl auditioning for a role is pretty hilarious. It's also great to see Jeff Anderson show up in a role other than the great Randal from Clerks. It should also be interesting to see Jason Mewes in a role other than Jay. It is pretty obvious that Smith would want to make a porno based on Star Wars but should also be fun to see that come together. I really like the scene between Rogen and Elizabeth Banks in the porno scene towards the end of the trailer. Did I mention I'm also in love with Banks? Well, because I am.

Watch the trailer at the top of this article. Just be warned- it's red band for a reason. 


Jason said...

I am looking forward to this. Is that bad?