Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nostalgia Critic Reviews Surf Ninjas

Here's the deal- I feel freaking awful today. I've been getting sick since Friday but today I feel like a sledgehammer has been beating around the eyes and ears all night long and someone has injected my skull with three gallons of horrible snot. It's gross but that's how it is. I've spent most of this morning drinking Sprite, watching Tiny Toons: Season 1 / Volume 1 on  DVD (I picked it up Friday night- it still holds up), and attempting to get off the couch to do some much needed studying (I would get sick again on my first big test week). 

Anyways, I was planning on doing a News Wrap Up on stories I meant to post on for this past week but I was unable to do due to being super busy (and getting myself sick via over-studying, stressing myself out and not getting any sleep). However, since I feel like not writing or moving much in general today, this may have to do. If I feel better towards tonight, I may be able to get a News Wrap Up together but no promises.

Over the past week of hell, I've been trying a new strategy when it comes to my studying. Since the internet at college is really terrible when it comes to downloading videos, I've been letting a Nostalgia Critic video load while I study and then will reward myself with watching the video before moving to a new subject. 

Who is the Nostalgia Critic, you may ask? Well, I became aware of the Nostalgia Critic after his Internet "feud" this past summer with the Angry Video Game Nerd (who I've already posted one topic on this past week). Despite knowing about him since this summer, I did not get around to watching any of his videos until this past week. I wish I had started sooner. Much like AVGN does with games, the Nostalgia Critic goes and reviews various movies and cartoons from the late 80's / early 90's that we all used to think were awesome as kids but now don't hold up at all. His latest review is of a childhood favorite of Jason's and mine- Surf Ninjas

Be aware though- the video is NSFW due some language here and there (he doesn't curse as much as the AVGN, but he does like to throw around the F-bomb every now and then).

He pretty much nails it- I actually kind of feel bad about making my family see this in the theater after watching his review. It was so bad.... and yet, for some reason, so good.

Be sure to check out his site for other great videos and reviews of stuff like 3 Ninjas, The Tom and Jerry Movie, Pokemon: The First Movie, Super Mario Bros. The Movie, Double Dare, Captain Planet, and much more.