Thursday, September 4, 2008

Harvey Dent: Dead or Alive? Let's Just Say I Told You So!

*Spoiler Alert* If you haven't seen the Dark Knight, never come to this site again!

There has been a lot of speculation about Harvey Dent's future in Chris Nolan's Batman franchise. More people than I could have imagined have been chatting it up in the forums and in my ear about how Two-Face will make a return because they never used the word "dead" in Harvey's final scene. Well it turns out for all you optimistic types that Harvey is in fact defunct. Mr. Beaks at Aint It Cool News got the scoop straight from Dent himself in an exclusive interview:

Beaks: And now the obligatory question: can you conceive of any way in which you might be back in--

Aaron Eckhart: (Laughs) No.

Beaks: Not a chance?

Eckhart: No. I'm dead. I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth. "Hey, Chris, am I--?" "No. You're dead. You're dead."

So shut up already. He is dead. I tried to tell you. Everyone else that is smarter than you tried to tell you. Dead is dead. They don't have to say it. You don't have to see Harvey's coffin. He is dead. Now you can all go back to working on your fan-made posters. Man it feels good to say that.

For the rest of the interview, follow the link below.

Source: Aint It Cool News


Weems said...

The mafia really needs to lay off hollywood actors. The act is getting old.

Wesley said...

I thought it was pretty obvious that he was dead. A lot of people have disagreed with me though. Glad to know I'm right.

Fletch said...

Prequel? Spinoff?

Just kidding. I didn't get why folks wondered about that, either.

Anonymous said...

I never questioned that he was dead.
But is Rachel dead?? That's the question! I know it's silly and improbable and everyone tells me I'm wrong, but I'm hanging on to the hope. And I don't have the knowledge of the other movies to destroy the beautiful child-like innocense I have about the Batman chronology.

Jason said...

Rachel had to of died. It is the event that leads to the completion to the story arcs for both Batman and Two-Face, and without her death, the motivation of both characters throughout the rest of the movie would have been in question. If Rachel didn't die, then Harvey died in vain, and Batman would not have had a reason to continue being Batman.