Sunday, December 28, 2008

I Really Like Twin Peaks

I have a really short post for today. As I stated in the article "Wesley's Christmas Wish-List," I have been wanting to watch David Lynch's television show Twin Peaks for some time now. Well, I received the Definitive Gold Box Set of the Entire Series for Christmas and today I got up bright and early to watch it.

Well, I got up at 9:30 and I have basically been watching the show all day today. It has been pretty addictive. It's basically what I hoped it would be and a little bit more. I love how warm and fuzzy the show (and its setting) can be, masking all the crazy, dark stuff that is hiding behind everything. 

Obviously, I'm not that far into the show (I'm about to finish up Disc 2) but so far I really like what I'm seeing. It definitely reminds me a lot of Blue Velvet, which is one of my favorite David Lynch movies. It definitely has a similar tone with all the warm, fuzziness masking seriously messed up stuff. Plus, it has a scene with a midget talking backwards (with his words played in reverse) and dancing awkwardly. Yeah, it's pretty obvious that David Lynch was behind all of this.

If you're not familiar with the show (or David Lynch for that matter), I've included a clip at the top of this article that showcases the importance of coffee on the show. It's pretty funny and you should check it out.